Oct 05, 2005 09:12
He's a bundle, thats for sure. There's a lot he seems to fail to learn. We (me and Vicky) talk to him A LOT but he doesn't seem to change. But we REALLY talked to him last night, really told him straight up everything we were feeling, no sugar coating or any of that. Yes I still love him.... maybe too much for my own good. It seems to affect me negatively when I'm trying to bitch him out..... lol.... if you don't know, that means it makes it harder for me to bitch him out. Lol. I had an odd dream last night. Can't remember what it was about though... goddamn it, hate it when that happens. I feel so deeply for him, it's unbelievable. It almost scares me. I've mostly gotten over the scared part though. I'm mostly just confused now. I just pray my deepest prayer to god that he doesn't continue to hurt me and my friends, whether intentional or not. Everyone pray with me!!!