Let's Get Funky.

Dec 12, 2008 12:04

I've been in a serious funk this week. It all started last weekend when, instead of decorating the newly purchased fresh Christmas tree, The Boy spent most of the weekend working. And then went out of town. Then there's the snow storm...

Things have been going crappily at work as well. I've been on this project for a year now and have made very little progress. Granted, there have been many (MANY) side projects along the way as expected, but I've been working on it alone since returning from the honeymoon. I haven't gotten a single damn experiment to work. Not one. In 2 months! Argh.

I met with The Bossman on Wednesday and he decided to put this project aside for now. Which is great. Kind of. Except that he doesn't have anything lined up just yet for me to be working on. So I've spent the last 3 days or so doing... well, not much!

I know these are all little stupid things. But sometimes it just piles up, you know? And this work nonsense is leaving me feeling utterly useless. I *know* this is how it goes in science. Sometimes that fact just sucks donkey balls though.

Things are looking up though. The Boy returned last night. We are planning on spiffing up the house and trimming the tree this weekend. I finally got some thank you cards designed (that project took WAY longer than I expected). The Bossman is exploring some new avenues. Begone, funk!!!

And now... a meme.

5 Things I Was Doing 10 Years Ago:
Getting ready to move away from mom and dad!
Still considering veterinary school
Not even thinking about graduate school or research
Starting to date The Boy

5 Things On My To-Do List Today:
Make it through work... bored...
Pay Nicor bill
Submit thank you card design for printing
Watch this week's episode of Survivor since I was watching Da Bears last night

5 Snacks I Love:
Ricecakes. Don't hate. Have you tried Quakers cheesy ricecakes? NO? Then be quiet.
Chocolate anything.
Chips and salsa.
Odwalla bars.

5 Things I’d do if I was a Millionaire:
Pay off mortgage and all debts.
Buy a "summer house" on a lake.
Get a hybrid vehicle.
Donate, donate, donate.

5 Places I’ve Lived:
The house I grew up in.
The house my parents live in now.
A dorm room with a fantastic roommate (Hi Kel!).
An apartment.
The current house with The Boy.

5 Jobs I’ve Had:
Kennel worker at an animal hospital.
Surgical tech/doctor assistant at animal hospital.
Summer volunteer position as a small zoo (not paid, but definitely WORK).
Graduate student (if you don't think this is a job, you're nuts).
Lab technician.

The end.

Okay, I actually feel even better after just spewing this all out. Yay!
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