Q & A with Lisa Edelstein for match.com

Jun 09, 2012 01:21

an amazing & wise interview.. the incredible & wise woman..

The star of House reveals the hardest lesson she’s learned about love-and the two words she tells herself to maintain an upbeat outlook.

Q: On FOX’s House, your character often gets entangled in arguments with her boss, played by Hugh Laurie. Why do you think women find Hugh so sexy?
A: He’s that classic bad boy type. There’s something very sexy about that-which is why women love him.

Q: Do you go for the bad boy type as well?
A: My type is a caring man who is very supportive and a great listener. But those guys are certainly hard to find.

Q: Earlier this season, your character considered trying online dating. Ever done it in real life?
A: When you’re on a television show, it’s kinda hard to do that. You never know if they would really be interested in you or your fame. But hopefully, I will be meeting someone soon in some other capacity!

Q: Where do you go to meet men?
A: Well, the bar scene really isn’t for me. I love my ashtanga yoga class-it would be great to find someone who appreciates good health and spirituality. But I haven’t found anyone there yet! But you know what, if it doesn’t happen, I am OK with that too. It seems silly to have to spend all my energy trying to find someone that’s supposed to complete me. I am complete with myself. It would be great to have the next man in my life actually appreciate that.

Q: What do you think is the worst thing women do when they get involved in relationships?
A: I feel sometimes they get so wrapped up, they get distracted. Goals they have in life get put aside, just to please the guy they’re with.

Q: What have you learned from your past relationships?
A: I really think it’s important to not sell yourself short. I’ve done that and it really sucks.

Q: Do you have any advice for people who are in the dating scene?
A: Enjoy yourself. Take yourself out on a date. Relax-it will happen when it’s supposed to. My friends always call me when they’re having relationship/dating problems, and I’m always the one to say, “Calm down!” I don’t think women really enjoy the time they have when they’re single. There really is so much emphasis on getting involved with someone. I try to take everything in stride and am perfectly happy being single. But I haven’t given up on love… I believe there really is someone out there for everyone.

By Susan L. Hornik , match.com
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