Lisa mention by Sara Paxton (Blue Eyed Butcher)

Feb 29, 2012 08:10

Here's the question regarding Lisa:

You’re working with Lisa Edelstein on this movie. Both you and Justin are. What’s that been like and have you gotten to speak with her about, “House,” or anything like that?
Sara: Well, Lisa’s great. She’s really nice and really funny and it’s - it was kind of hard to do all the prosecution scenes because she had to be mean to me and I had to cry which is - she’s really funny and nice, so yes, that was hard. But we wrapped a couple months ago so I - we didn’t really have time to talk about, “House,” or anything. I was too busy trying to be all emotional all day and stuff. But I was a big fan of her in, “House.” So I was cool.

The rest of the interview is here:


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