
Oct 17, 2008 20:38

What makes someone's LJ interesting?  I constantly start entries in order to just POST SOMETHING, but I always end up deleting them half-way through.  I think I need to just start posting entries about whatever, whenever, and maybe stop being so self-consciously goofy.  Whatevs.

My week of pink hair has been rewarding, and makes me feel like I ( Read more... )

pink hair

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acrypticsmile October 24 2008, 00:08:44 UTC
...I agree with Amy for once: hair is pretty good and I think people should have it. It can be rather handy sometimes. And you should own your hair--because if you owned someone else's, who knows what kind of person you'd be. Damn, Amy is such a smart girl--it's good we keep her around.

...and Amy is a liar, she actually likes making entries because she knows that other people care...and she also likes when I ridicule her for having at least something when all I have is, well nothing but a bunch of scarves, baguettes and cigarettes....

Anyway, an 'entry' should not be an event. If you put the time into writing a title, it's worth it, because hitting the delete button leaves you with nothing. And none of us really care for nothing, it's just so hard because it's never really there, you know? The fun thing about 'entries' is that they are ephemeral portraits that end up saved somewhere in this weird metaphysical web that I call the internet. To put it chicly: they capture the moment. If you hit delete, you end up with nothing. For something that really doesn't have very many things at all, nothing sure is talked about a lot. That's kinda like what makes an entry an entry: it's kinda like a nothing that got confused for a something or a something that got confused for a nothing--but either way, you're left with some sort of 'thing' at the end. You know what's cool about French, one of my two favorite things about this language? I'm going to tell you: there are two words for 'thing' and that gives me the Banana. Ya feel me?

Fuck being interesting: I'm the most boring person I've met and it's all ended up alright thus far, so be boring, or uninteresting or fantastic, or cryptic, or...be.....rust, whateva dude, jus' gimme da fuckin' ba-ding-guh! Ya know?!?

Aren't I full of wisdom? The thing is that I just miss you guys and gobble up any occasion to have a conversation with you...


suitcase24 October 24 2008, 02:54:16 UTC
This is why I'm in love with you. It's sure is a damn good thing you keep me around.


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