Long time and coming ...

Aug 02, 2011 05:55

tldr - This will be my last post here, read on if you care for the thought out specifics of my choosing to do so.

There's no easy way to say this without offending someone which has left me with a difficult task in how I word myself here. I've known this decision has been coming for awhile but I never took the time to slow down and put my thoughts out in the open till now. The sad fact is what slowed me down to do just that is being stuck on the couch with a fever slowly creeping it's way into my system. No the meds won't be affecting my train of thought here, if anything their helping in more ways than one (like not puking on the keyboard!).

The rundown is, well a number of reasons. I find the site runs very slow and the lack of responsible ownership just doesn't seem to exist anymore. Life has also taken over to the point when I find myself actually trying to load my friends list that I've lost interest when it finally does. There's no mistaking it either but I'm certain a great number of you have lost interest as well in this site because you simply "disappeared". This isn't me pointing the finger though, I get it. My biggest reason for leaving though is me having to face the truth that just because we're friends doesn't mean you care for the interests I have a particular passion in. I can count on a single hand the number of people who would actually take a interest in all my music related posts. I know I listen to stuff that isn't of the ordinary and I'm always expanding my mind to new beats and building a education out of it all that loses people from the start. I'm just as guilty too for not commenting back on posts you probably took a lot of effort to make and share with people you consider "friends". When I don't comment I always felt like I was being a bad friend but at the same time I didn't want to put up a fake front. You deserve better than that.

I never thought I see the day either because I use to make fun of Noname on a daily occasion for being a Facebook junkie. He claimed it was a great resource to keep up to date with all his college class mates and lab partners to stay on top of assignments. Even after graduating I still find him on Facebook during periods of downtime so he started to intrigue my interest despite all my playful taunts. After finally signing up, consider me converted and I've been a member for a few months now. One thing I have to admit is I would always be on forums where some of my favorite producers/dj's would be sharing stuff but you would have to be a FB member to view due to privacy settings. Now that I'm on there it's really helped with just about everything I find a interest in. The difference between LJ and FB is night and day to me. Now some of you already have me as a friend on there and it's been fun getting to see more of the "real" you. Everything feels more personal and with that I find myself being able to easily sort out who are the friends who really want to be my friend versus those who are adding my name as a simple filler. For the record, I'm not offended and I hope you don't take offense to anything I've said here. You won't find me calling out a single name either.

As for furry, hell I'll always be a furry there's no denying that. Granted it's toned down considerable but you can't avoid it when you find yourself growing up into the more responsible realms of life with things like a long term relationship, work, our pup Akira, (who is pretty much no different than having a kid to look after) and well you get the idea.

On my final thought I just want to say if you would like to friend me on FB, comment here or simply leave a email at statiktrax@gmail.com Tell me who you are too, not just your FB account name! Please respect my request to not post things like fur porn and keep it clean considering the audience that views. Thank you.

Goodbye LJ, it's been a very long nine years.

Small update:

FB account - Sta Tik

..and for the furry outlet I'm still using FA.

FA - statiktrax
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