ya know what i hate...

Apr 27, 2004 17:42

i hate how i have no privacy, why do my parents read this shit then bitch at me about it. does anyone elses parents IM their kids 7 times a day. i get IMs from my dad telling me that he got home from work or the store...LIKE I GIVE A FUCK, CONGRATUFUCKINGLATIONS, YOU WANT ME TO COME HOME AND GIVE U A HUG FOR YOUR ACCOMPLISHMENTS??? god motherfucking damnit. is it just me, or do most other kids at college talk to their parents once a week unless something major happens? i get calls daily, and if i dont call back within an hour, i get another call. i've tried being nice, all that gets is more calls and more bugging from them, i try being mean, but then they call more too. goddamnit all i can do is block them from IM.
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