Aug 05, 2005 14:40
Sleep is for wusses!
I have had the worst sleep patterns of late. I sleep a few hours at night, if I am lucky, then wake up, either hungry or so vibrantly energetic (well energetic for me)that I can no go back to sleep for hours. This translates to bed times of 4 or 5 in the morning, and then sleeping a few hours durring the day, or possibly sleeping until mid-afternoon. My rhythms are all screwed up.
On top of that, I have a major case of get me the hell out of this house. It has been so friggin humid lately, I have not even wanted to go out for a walk. I just am tired of being in the house. One can only do so much LJing and laundry. I try to be creative, but it seems the creative juices have leeched from my body and left this shell of mediocrity. I tried doing some painting to get a business idea up and running (painting wooden items with various symbols and animals for sale...more on this when I get pics and can post some of them), but even that was much less satisfactory than what I like.
OK, I feel like I have babbled enough for now.