May 10, 2005 01:03
So, I'm sick as eff....and I got to thinking....I should update my journal...So here goes...
I'm not real sure whats goin on with me right now....I did like this Brittany girl....she's cute...but as I hung out with her more....I started becoming less and less interested...and I'm not real sure how to break it to her. On the other hand there's this girl named Jessica thats cool as fuck...she lives in like westland tho...but oh well....Although at the same time....I still really want Marissa back...I've given up trying...I've come to the conclusion that she doesn't even wish to speak to me...She has a new s/n....that she doesn't know that I know about...And when I ask her why I havn't seen her online...(on her old s/n) she simply replies "I'm not on very often." Our telephone conversations are always short and pointless...I still wish for a second chance every now and again...While she told me it isn't my fault we broke up (It is...) I know it's my fault we stayed apart....she needed time I failed to give that to her...I should have backed off...atleast for a week or so...but when she ended it with me..telling me it was only a break...and it was for the best...Days had seemed like weeks or months to me...I looked over some of our old conversations the other day....and the days after we broke up....I was a total jackass....I was stumbling all over myself to get her back...when all she needed was time...had I given her that the song goes "Who knows where her heart would be today...Maybe with me" But I'm doing as she told me...I'm getting better I try to think of her less everyday...And that Jessica girl mentioned earlier has been helping...She's pretty awesome...But...We'll see what happens...