Dec 27, 2004 05:28
Holy crap in a pita.....I havn't updated in like 2 weeks....well anyway....the show at Clutch went okay....But shortly after I kicked James and Brett out of the band...Brett I kicked out just cause he doesn't really apply himself....and never showed for practice...didn't put much into the band either....James....for multiple reasons. By what he says he's really professional and willing to get things done....but, by his actions he's immature and frankly, he fucks around too much....not to mention he just gets on my nerves anyway....he only got in to begin with because of Timmy....Anyway I'm starting over and I will be handpicking our members....Timmy is my choice drummer of course....and I'm fairly certain Jesse is going to play bass for us. Okay, now about Christmas. My highlight gifts were: A collective $260 from family, An enormous stuffed dog from Marissa, Lord of the Rings special edition Return of the King DVD. Final Christmas Spending Tally
200 watt Randall Commander II Amp + S&H $165 on Ebay
Vintage Zoom 505 Guitar processor $25 from Mike Careys Music
Kick ass Iron Maiden watch from Hot Topic $21 with Brett's discount ;)
GTA: San Andreas ...About $35 with $15 best buy gift card
Spending Christmas with the girl you love.....Priceless
So anyway, about the here and now....Its almost 6:00 am...after layin' in bed since like 3am well I decided to just give up on sleep after lookin at the clock once....then look at it again after what seemed like 45 mins....only 3 miniutes had I was like eff this I may as well just get now I'm tryin to pass the time as i feel like my eyes are going to bleed, start tearing, and burst into flames all at the same time. *sigh* I'm not real sure why but I can't seem to get Marissa out of my head...ehh...noone really wants to hear about that....well I guess thats it for now. I'll update again when I feel it's neccessary.