Gintama: Half of All That Philosophy Crap is Stupid, Anyway

Apr 27, 2007 01:17

I've noticed recently that I've been writing quite a bit of porn. However, there is someone to blame for this.

kasugai_gummie, I hope you're happy now.

On the other hand, I think this is the fastest I've ever written something in my life.

Title: Half of All That Philosophy Crap is Stupid, Anyway
Author: Reston
Summary: Hijikata follows Kondou.
Warnings: Herein lies explicit sex. Be warned.

Hijikata doesn’t consider himself particularly good at this, but he’s had blowjobs before and he remembers a few tricks. Long, wet lick from root to tip. Scrape of teeth along the shaft. Firm grip around the base of the cock, swirl of tongue over the head before he opens his mouth to suck. Slow, painstaking attention to the sensitive underside of the head, and Kondou’s hands are trembling as they palm Hijikata’s hollowed cheeks.

“Toushi,” he says-breathes, really. Shaking fingers brush over Hijikata’s hair, his back, before finally settling on his forehead, thumbing the bangs from his face. “Toushi,” he says again, and breaks off on a shuddering, indrawn moan when Hijikata loosens his jaw and slides on down, tongue and throat working.

Kondou always sounds so shocked when Hijikata blows him, like sex between them is a novelty rather than a fairly regular thing. It drives Hijikata up the wall. Kondou-Kondou, of all people-shouldn't sound grateful when someone else takes care of him, shouldn’t sound overwhelmed when he’s asked to receive instead of give.

Like now: Kondou’s thickness hot and heavy in Hijikata’s mouth, Kondou’s coarse, careful hands rubbing circles into Hijikata’s skin. Kondou shouldn’t be grateful-he knows that Hijikata doesn’t believe in charity.

The thing about Kondou is that he cares about people, which is fine: Kondou’s anything but selfish. The problem with Kondou is that he doesn’t know how to hold back, doesn’t know how to save something for himself. He commits unflinchingly to all that he does-too much, Hijikata would say, except that Hijikata is self-aware enough to know exactly what kind of person he is-and gets in return not nearly enough. So it's up to Hijikata to make up the difference, up to Hijikata to remind Kondou of his worth.

What Kondou deserves, Hijikata will give. It’s as simple as that.

Kondou groans, long and low and from the back of his throat, hand fisting convulsively into Hijikata’s hair. “Toushi,” he gasps, blissed out and awestruck, hips straining towards Hijikata’s mouth. “I- oh. Toushi.”

Though Hijikata has to admit as he swallows, smug and satisfied, it feels good to be appreciated around here for once.

366 words.

gintama, slash

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