From Twitter 04-29-2011

Apr 29, 2011 23:03

  • 05:18:16: FUCK YEAH UBUNTU NATTY NARWHAL JUST CAME OUT. My comp is updating right now. I'm kind of excited about this
  • 08:04:12: @ CrayonChewer @Diskmaster Really. Really? You guys, Portal 2 is out already you don't get to do this anymore
  • 10:01:35: I don't have "the hardware required to run Unity"? You've got to be kidding me!
  • 12:21:16: Bleh. My tablet's pressure curve is also waaaay oversensitive since the upgrade. Wonder what that's about?
  • 12:21:20: Anyway, I give up. I sleep.
  • 18:35:51: What would you have me do?
  • 18:37:22: The number of Wacom tablet users on Ubuntu is a small cross section of a small cross section. I wonder how many people that actually is.
  • 18:46:33: @ katietiedrich You might be suprised. Cats often just run the fuck away from rabbits.
  • 18:46:53: @ katietiedrich you'll also be surprised by the obscene amounts of poop it produces though
  • 22:56:11: i want to strangle my tablet :I
  • 23:50:16: RT @VG_TuneOfTheDay: Katamari Damacy - Lonely Rolling Star

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