I don't plan to make this lj my permanent blog, but I saw this and think it's important. lj seems like a good tool to get the word out. The
Electronic Frontier Foundation is circulating a petition that rails against the strongarm tactics used by the
media industry to enforce copyright laws that are outdated and out of control.
Please take a moment to sign it electronically, and, if this is an issue you care about, please spread the word by posting to your lj:
http://www.eff.org/share/petition/ I just did a
talk at Berkeley encouraging hackers and political hacks to work together (thanks for the pr help
mooflyfoof) because I believe our generation is passionate about effecting change, but we need to leverage 21st technologies to organize and mobilize. Though only a drop in the bucket, this petition is a step in the right direction. ``Every little bit helps,'' said the old woman as she pissed into the sea.
P.S. I'm Watching
All the President's Men, the story of Woodward and Bernstein's investigation of Watergate, for the first time. It's an excellent film which I recommend highly. Think I may just have to read the