Apr 30, 2005 02:26
Hung out at Aquinas tonight, got some coldstone.Ffun times, there are still a lot of people around there cause they are just starting finals, unlike the ghost town campus around here. Found a new beverage i enjoy. Watched a guy eat a tuna fish, peanut butter, banana, and hot sauce sandwich. No joke, he claims it was delich but then again......inebriation might we say?!
I feel bad for Alex, if you read this before the wedding, hang in there, you can get through it, if i got through a funeral with asthmatic bronchitis, you can get through a dry wedding. And if you don't make it through, i will be home monday. If i can cash my tax return you me and greg can go eat some mexican er something, i crave decent resturants like sagebrush, kens, club nu-jee, and a decent big boy. they don't have anything like that out this way.
well i need my sleep so i can pack tomorrow. plans for the weekend are, good food, moving, the sunset on lake michigan and some paperwork, then i am on my way to the east side.