(аудио+книга) Chris Kilham "The Ayahuasca Test Pilots Handbook"(2014) - Аяваска и Любовь Спасут Мир?

Apr 02, 2023 15:42

Chris Kilham - "The Ayahuasca Test Pilots Handbook" (2014)

The Ayahuasca Test Pilots Handbook: The Essential Guide…

Совершенно типичная ситуация - интересная книга-гид по общению с Аяваской, но от несколько неоднозначного автора....


Крис (Кристофер) Килхэм - «Жнец, Швец, на Дуде Игрец» - «мотивационная» личность, которая занимается всем сразу из области растительных психоделиков/растительных медикаментов и эзотерических практик, включая йогу, «правильное» питание и прочие «шуры-муры». И «накатал» уже много книг на эти темы.

Он даже придумал себе «титул» - Medicine Hunter, создав одноименную коммерческую организацию, под эгидой которой благополучно здравствует. https://www.medicinehunter.com/

Founded by Medicine Hunter Chris Kilham, Medicine Hunter, Inc. is an integrated enterprise dedicated to expanding the field of natural, plant-based medicines. From expeditions and field research to TV appearances and training seminars for some of the world’s largest nutraceutical, cosmetic, beverage and food companies, we engage in a very broad range of activities to further this aim.

What We Do - The three-fold purpose of Medicine Hunter Inc. is to promote natural, plant-based medicines, to protect the natural environment, and to support indigenous cultures.

Как видно, занимаются они всем сразу, то есть по факту ничем конкретным...


В 2014 году Крис выпустил справочное пособие по Аяваске, объясняя идею необходимостью нести в массы понимание и соблюдение необходимых правил при общении с Аяваской и теми, кто устраивает сеансы - шаманы, гайды, терапевты и т.д.

To be clear, The Ayahuasca Test Pilots Handbook is not a manifesto for world peace. But it is a guide to ayahuasca, the most potent, all-embracing healing agent on earth, save love itself. Perhaps as a result of reading what is written here, and by drinking the brew as advised, you will be an emissary of love. It’s certainly what the world needs now.

Книга небольшого объема написана отличным языком, затрагивает все моменты, связанные с информацией по Аяваске, её истории, составу, вариациям рецепта приготовления, сопутствующим веществам и их использованию для церемонии, и многое другое.

Также она содержит в себе некоторые интересные подробные нюансы церемоний, остающиеся в тени многих книг по «терапевтическому» использованию Аяваски.



In the chaotic and carnival-like mix of personalities who populate the shamanic scene, there are colorful characters, talented individuals, maestros with potent medicine, creeps, fakes, cheaters, healers, liars, superbly adept shamans, and a full panoply of individuals who in various ways are out to meet the needs of the thousands of travelers who, streaming like pilgrims on the Hajj, seek healing, exploration, and spiritual revelation through shamanic journeying, and most especially via the ceremonial use of ayahuasca, the famed and fabled psychoactive Amazonian brew, La Medicina. Because of the range of talents, intentions, and capabilities of shamans, you need to be savvy about whom you choose as a guide in ayahuasca ceremonies. The right shaman can help you to voyage into the world of non-ordinary reality in a most wonderful way. The wrong shaman can cause you much suffering, either from bad intent or lack of talent.


Крис не устает повторять, что нужно быть предельно внимательным, собираясь первый раз на церемонию, не стоит верить никому на слово и не нужно бояться задавать вопросы, особенно о составе и методе приготовления предлагаемой Аяваски. Нормальные Аяваскеро с радостью ответят на все вопросы. Если кто-то начинает «вилять» - нужно сразу уходить, иначе существует риск для здоровья.

When you are setting out to drink ayahuasca, especially for the first time, it’s important to be in good hands. Keep in mind that ayahuasca is potent and sometimes overwhelming. Under the influence of such a profound medicine, you want to be in the right shamanic company. Knowing what to look for will help you to steer away from the creeps, abusers, and phonies, and toward the true shamans who endeavor to serve your needs with skill, dignity, and respect.

My advice here is simple. If you are going to drink ayahuasca, do it with somebody who is highly trained. Just because someone has drunk the brew even many times does not in any way qualify them to lead a ceremony, any more than somebody who has watched a number of medical dramas is capable of performing open-heart surgery. Real training is essential.

This is the type of person you want to be with. Before you choose a shaman, ask a lot of questions. It is not rude to do so. If a purported shaman is unwilling to share their history of training, or if they suggest that it is improper protocol to ask, you can assume that they have something to hide. Don’t be a fool in these matters. You have every right to know who you are sitting with. A real maestro will be happy to share their background, and proud to talk about their teachers.


Don’t swallow wholesale everything that comes out of a shaman’s mouth. Use your own intelligence. Like most people, shamans are highly influenced by the biases of their own cultures. Shamans are ingenious technicians, and many are delightfully wise. But if you assume they are perfect in word and deed, you will perpetuate the same ugly imbalances that have fueled scandals with Eastern gurus.


Sadly, the ayahuasca landscape has its share of creeps. Any popular sector of pursuit will attract unsavory individuals. The entire global spiritual and religious landscape is populated with rotten people as well as good ones, and the ayahuasca scene is no exception. A couple of years ago I met a supposed maestro shaman whom I immediately sized up as a brujo. He had a popular reputation as a fabulous ayahuascero, but I got dark, nasty vibes from the guy. Some months later, he was responsible for not only the death of a young man but also the secret burial of that young man’s body. So when I say “creeps,” I’m talking about real creeps. Just because somebody shakes a rattle doesn’t mean they are okay.


There is absolutely nothing wrong with a shaman making money. They need to earn a living, and this is a respectable way to do that. But be attentive to a love of money that may exceed the talents of the shaman in question. One very well-known shaman in the Iquitos area is known for “divining” problems with a family member of a ceremonial participant, and offering to resolve those problems-for a steep fee. It goes like this: “I see in my visions that your mother is very sick. It may not seem so now, but she has a grave problem, and if it is not taken care of immediately, she will soon die. It’s lucky for you that I have seen this. She has precious little time to be helped. If you wish, I can heal your mother in a special ceremony I will conduct in private, but it will cost you about $400 for me to do this difficult work. Wouldn’t you like me to save your mother’s life?”

You’d be amazed how many people fall for this nonsense. Wallets fly open, and wide-eyed acolytes are often quick to gush, “Oh, yes, please save her, and thank you so much, maestro!” A fool and their money are quickly parted.


Beware of shamans who suggest that having sex with them can help to overcome problems arising from sexual abuse, or that sexual contact is a special shamanic technique. There is no such thing. There is no “shamanic vulva massage.” There is no “shamanic healing lovemaking,” or “shaman tantra.” There are only some horny shamans who know readily available sex when it stares them in the face.


Diarrhea, or the urgent need to move your bowels, may also occur. If you feel as though you need to go to the bathroom, do not tarry. Get up and get yourself to a toilet right then and there, to avoid the possibility of soiling yourself. You may not wish to get up, and it may be difficult to do so. You may feel woozy or unsteady on your feet. But get up anyway, even if you feel ten feet tall. If you need assistance, ask for it. I have helped many people to the toilet, and they have been grateful for the assistance. Don’t be embarrassed to ask if you need a helping hand.


Let’s say that you are in ceremony, you are feeling the effects of the ayahuasca, and you have to answer a call of nature. You head off to the toilet, with or without assistance, and once you make it in there, you get lost. Yes, lost. You have entered another dimension. A formerly normal bathroom or outhouse becomes a strange, complex, somewhat unfathomable environment. You are having visions and odd sensations, and you are possibly unsure whether you are actually at the toilet or not. Is it a trick of the mind? What is happening? Do you just imagine that you are in the toilet, when perhaps you are really on your mat? Can you manage to perform basic bodily duties in a tidy manner when you are hurtling through an infinity tunnel that looks like a DNA helix on fire? Sure you can.

While most people do in fact manage to get into the bathroom, successfully eliminate, clean up, wash hands, and get out, some enter a twilight zone and find themselves lost or trapped in the toilet vortex. A toilet’s basic operation may be impossible to sort out, toilet paper unimaginably complicated to employ. Pants may be difficult to pull up correctly. Your underwear may appear to be tied in a knot. The walls may provide an excellent space for extraordinary visions in shimmering hi-def. You may observe a tableau of alien beings as you reach for the toilet paper. The sink may be laughably hard to use, the water mystifying. The floor may undulate. Waves may lap at your toes. From there, things can go radically downhill.

If you find yourself losing it in the toilet, try to gather your wits. You have gone to the bathroom many thousands of times in your life, so it should be a manageable situation. You can perform all necessary functions on autopilot. But if it is simply beyond your capacity to sort out for whatever reason, then call for help. It isn’t any fun at all to spend a lot of time trapped in a bathroom that has transformed into a psychedelic fun-house. Heed this advice. Do not linger in the bathroom. Go in, do your business, and get out, back to the comfort and safety of your mat.


One of the most fascinating aspects of purging has to do with tears. Many people cry during ceremony. Often they are letting go of grief and sadness that has been with them for a long time. From very early on, in my first few ceremonies, I found myself with a wet face, as steady streams of tears poured down my cheeks. This happens to me often. The crazy thing is, I’m not crying due to sadness. But the tears are pouring.


Крис описывает наблюдение, как выйдя наружу во время церемонии под Аяваской он не видел изменений вокруг в природе, но когда оборачивался и смотрел внутрь хижины, , он наблюдал как внутри «бушуют» всевозможные визуальные эффекты и «энергии».

I have on many occasions left a malocca to relieve myself. On the outside, the world appeared utterly normal, even if I felt very high. But as soon as I opened the door to step back into the ceremonial space, I could see the entire interior, from the very inside of the door and along the inside wall all the way into the center, filled with dense, vibrant, colorful energy, patterns, and even several spirit forms. On a few occasions I have stood right at that spot and looked alternately to the outside, where the world appeared normal, and to the inside, where the landscape was alive with non-ordinary activity.


Sometimes, people see the same things at the same time. I recall one ceremony in which several of us saw the room fill up with snakes all at once. We started to murmur to one another, “Hey, what’s with all the snakes?” For many minutes the ceremonial space was filled with dozens of snakes, all slithering around in the air, on the floor and the walls. One of my friends wound up riding on a flying carpet of many snakes. On another occasion, a friend and I both saw what we later described as “mosquito people,” with long, thin noses that stuck out several feet. There is no doubt that ayahuasca journeys can be telepathic experiences. This is a surprisingly common occurrence.


Many traditions throughout the world promote discriminatory cultural biases and are rife with superstition. In the ayahuasca ceremonies conducted by Brazil’s Santo Daime church, for example, men and women are separated into two different groups during the event. This seems sexually phobic to me, pure and simple, with no basis in any practical or spiritual reality. I have no evidence that engaging in sexual relations prior to or after an ayahuasca ceremony makes any difference at all. If that feels right to you, then certainly abide.


Один парень чрезмерно увлекся татуированием себя рисунками, связанными с Аяваской, после того как в видении ему пришло откровение об «Избранности» необходимости нести слово в массы:

Bobby from California is brimming with energy, bursting with enthusiasm, and expressing a sheen of glistening sweat as he stands shirtless, breathless, exuberant, and beaming in the scorching Amazon sun. The profusion of new tattoos covering his torso and arms give testimony to his ardent mission-to represent Mama Ayahuasca. “She showed me! She did! She showed me! It’s soooooo clear!”

(...)Visions that convinced Bobby that he is an important representative of Mama Ayahuasca. As such, he is on a mission to cover his upper body with the signs of his journeys, to pay homage to the plant spirits, and to “represent, man, represent!!!”

Другой пример перевода видений в мессианскую сторону - стоитель деревянной пирамиды, которая некоторое время привлекала туристов, а потом была заброшена...

The now-famous story of the Iquitos pyramid made its global debut in Vanity Fair, recounting how an ayahuasca vision experienced by Englishman Julian Haynes led to his own quixotic and very public quest. Haynes, convinced that he was directed to fulfill a high mission, funded and built a massive wooden pyramid that bobbed precariously in the rising and falling water of the Rio Ataya for a long time, right off the lively Iquitos waterfront promenade.


Beware, oh, psychedelic traveler, of the sudden, astonishing, life-changing vision. Beware of “realizations” that you must abandon your comfortable life, job, home, and/or family back in the States or Europe and grub out a living selling raw cocoa-and-nut balls on the streets, a wandering vegan missionary. Beware the “realization” that you will be a great shaman and will usher millions into a new, peaceful era. Beware of ANY vision at all in which you personally have been singled out to play a lead role in the redoing of all human history. You haven’t. And for goodness sake, beware of the impulse to cover your entire body with aya-huasca visions in indelible ink. At the very least, wait a full year before doing so, and do a reality check with as many other people as possible.

Ayahuasca and other psychedelics can deliver positive, transformative benefits. Most of the time they do exactly that. But they can also set the mind afire with lavish, nonsensical ideas. In this way they work like coyote tricksters, misleading people to do preposterous and foolish things. Most common is the notion of “discovering” that you-yes, YOU!-will save the planet. You won’t. This is just the same old messy messianic thinking that has never worked and never will.

Вот здесь как раз и вылазит странная парадоксальнось личности Криса Килхэма, который создал свой уютный мини-мирок в нашем Мире и несет знание, исключительно «терапевтической» направленности, разъезжая кругом и выступая.

Крис не хочет изменять Мир, его все устраивает. В видении под Аяваской, которые он описывает в начале книги, к нему пришло ощущение... да, да... той самой Вселенской Любви! Нужно Любить Всех! Любовь нас спасет...

I had asked the ayahuasca to show me my highest and best path for good, and there it was. The sweetness I felt for my mother, and the thorough sense of love and clarity. Living with openhearted love was the answer, my own path with a heart.

I personally have found that ayahuasca has the capacity to rip my heart wide open and fill me entirely with pure love, beyond anything I have ever previously imagined or felt. On many evenings, I have sat saturated with love, beaming that out to all other beings, to my wife, to friends, to family members far away, to workmates, to others I barely know, for hours. This has been the ultimate experience for me, the highest and best. Ayahuasca has shown me again and again that love is the only worthy thing, and that all else in life is just flotsam and jetsam. Living with love is the only worthy life. It is absolutely staggering to me that ayahuasca can deliver this complete, thorough experience of love, with nothing left behind. When this occurs, I work with the medicine by staying totally focused on that experience, letting go of absolutely everything else, surrendering to the staggering immensity of love. Sometimes when I am bathed in love, the ayahuasca asks me if I want to meet my spirit allies, or some other thing. I always laugh and say no. Why trade diamonds for pebbles? Love is the single cohesive force in the universe, from which all else arises, the only worthy condition, the essential that trumps all, the highest truth.

Соответственно, Аяваска нужна ЛИШЬ для терапии, чтобы примириться с собой внутри системы, внутри текущего заданого строя. Нельзя слушать «зов к переменам», нельзя верить, что ты «избран», ведь один человек не может изменить мир.

Ну, потому что Мир изменить может ведь лишь целая «могучая кучка» высоко интеллектуальных (и высокоосознанных!) людей, они объединятся и нам всем станет жить лучше:

Global change doesn’t take place as the result of one person’s efforts or singular appearance upon the world stage. It requires vast numbers of highly conscious people. For if there is to be a new, more free and conscious world, we will need not one, but several billon messiahs, each selflessly pulling together for the whole of humanity and planetary welfare. Consider your position soberly. You are but one of more than seven billion people. You can absolutely do your part to help make the world a better place, but in the mix of all the other people around you on this planet.

И вот на такой странной ноте Крис заканчивает книгу.


В приложении он поднимает тему заглавия книги, которую объясняет желанием создать некую условную виртуальную «группу» людей, целью которых заполнить пустующую брешь между новичками и продвинутыми шаманами. Но эта «группа» не существует в реальности, нет у нее ничего, они просто сидят и пьют Аяваску...

There is no ATP club to join, no dues to pay. There are no offices to hold, elections, ranks, or formalities. There’s no board of directors, and we’re not a nonprofit. We have no location, except the realm of non-ordinary reality. We simply drink ayahuasca. The Ayahuasca Test Pilots are increasing in numbers, in a steady and wholly organic manner. The Ayahuasca Test Pilots Handbook will hopefully serve many of those who journey, providing valuable information and insight into the marvels and particulars, dos and don’ts, joys and pitfalls of ayahuasca.


The Ayahuasca Test Pilots Handbook by Chris Kilham...

Аудиокнига начитана очень хорошим языком и длится  всего 5 часов. (Аудиобукбей в помощь.)


Да, его полно на Ютюбе:


Книгу «The Ayahuasca Test Pilots Handbook» можно найти на Либгене и в неполной версии на ГуглБукс.



Книга Хавьера Регуэро (Javier Regueiro) о Аяваске + Две...

(Книга) Javier Regueiro / Хавьер Регуэро - Ayahuasca...

Крис упоминает несколько книг -  первая из них «Wizard of the Upper Amazon» пробудила в нем интерес к Аяваске:

F. Bruce Lamb’s Wizard of the Upper Amazon, a crackling account of the life of Brazilian mestizo shaman Manuel Córdova-Rios. The tales of ayahuasca in Lamb’s book stuck in my mind like darts in a corkboard, and from that time on I wanted to experience the effects of the famous Amazonian brew. I would patiently wait decades to do so.

Schultes wrote numerous important and groundbreaking books, among them The Healing Forest, Hallucinogenic Plants: A Golden Guide, and Plants of the Gods, which he coauthored with friend and LSD discoverer Albert Hofmann. His book The Lost Amazon, of photographs taken during his years in the Amazon rainforest, was edited by his student Wade Davis, whose beautifully crafted paean to Schultes, entitled One River, recounts with fascinating detail the years Schultes spent working in the Amazon.

In his popular book The Cosmic Serpent, anthropologist and psychedelic celebrity Jeremy Narby hypothesizes that DNA, which contains all information about all life throughout all history, basically communicates with itself, through low-level energetic emissions.

Medical doctor Rick Strassman, in his popular book DMT: The Spirit Molecule, hypothesizes that the human pineal gland may express a concentration of DMT at the time of death.

The first known written account of use of a DMT-containing psychoactive agent is found in the 1496 book An Account of the Antiquities of the Indians: Chronicles of the New World Encounter, written by Spanish friar Ramone Pane of the Hieronymite Order, who journeyed with Columbus on his second voyage in 1494. In that book, Pane described the use of a psychoactive snuff among Taino natives on the island of Hispaniola, which today is Haiti and the Dominican Republic.

In his 1924 book Phantastica, German pharmacologist Lewis Lewin remarked that “Coca is for the coca eater the source of his greatest delight.

The quirky and adventurous Burroughs corresponded with then unknown poet Allen Ginsberg, who subsequently journeyed to Amazonia in 1960. Burroughs’s 1963 work The Yage Letters, written in collaboration with Ginsberg, provide a narrative of his experiences with ayahuasca. The popular, galvanic Burroughs and eventually famous Ginsberg inspired greater awareness of, and interest in, ayahuasca outside of the academic sphere. Word of the mysterious psychoactive jungle potion began to leak out of the dense green forest from which it originated. Whispers about the plant grew louder over time, into today’s cacophony of hyper-energized ayahuasca conversation.

психоделики, видения, религиозный опыт, аудиокниги, аяваска, измененные состояния сознания, фантазии на сон грядущий, обзоры книг, шарлатанство, паранормальное, моменты волшебства, книги

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