"The Shifting Realities of Philip K. Dick: Selected Literary and Philosophical Writings" (1996) by
Philip K. Dick (Author),
Lawrence Sutin (Editor):
The Shifting Realities of Philip K. Dick by Philip K. DickArchive-org
The shifting realities of Philip K. Dick : Philip K. Dick : Free.. Очень примечательный сборник автобиографических, философских статей, набросков идей книг и сценариев от Филипа К.Дика. Редактор книги - «авторизированный» биограф Дика Лоуренс Сутин (Lawrence Sutin)
https://fantlab.ru/blogarticle62968 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lawrence_Sutin Первая часть представляет собой подборку «автобиографических» заметок о себе, которые Филип Дик писал в разные годы к различным изданиям книг и тому подобного.
The writings in this section have been grouped together by the fact that their content focuses exclusively or primarily on Dick’s life. It will be obvious to the reader, however, that many of the writings included in other sections of this volume contain autobiographical elements as well. In his writings, Dick frequently drew upon events in his life to elucidate his ideas, and, in like manner, drew upon the ideas that most fascinated him at any given time to elucidate past events.
Зачем-то целый раздел (№3) посвятили скучным авторским статьям-анализам романа «Человек в Высоком Замке» (1962) и добавили черновики возможного продолжения. Тема чисто для фанатов и исследователей-паразитологов...
Человек в высоком замке - Википедия Туда же отправляется последующий раздел (Part Four: Plot Proposals and Outlines) со странной эклектичной подборкой: сценарной заявки на серию сериала «Миссия Невыполнима», синопсиса романа про параллельные миры и «фейки-фейков», плюс скучная статья-анализ возможных идей для фильма «Снятся ли андроидам электрические овцы?» (1968, фильм 1982)
Миссия невыполнима (телесериал, 1966) - Википедия Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? - Wikipedia This section contains examples of Dick at work sketching out his ideas-lucidly, and with a penchant both for dramatic possibilities and cognitive paradoxes-for the consideration of agents, editors, and potential television and film producers. All four of the selections date from the late 1960s, the only period in his life in which Dick seriously attempted to break into writing for television.
И вот, наконец-таки - Пятая часть «Part Five: Essays and Speeches» - самая интересная и начинающая пред-массировать мозг...
Примечательны практически все предлагаемые статьи и выступления. Но самые яркие из них это:
«Drugs, Hallucinations, and the Quest for Reality» (1964) - статья исследующая тему относительности понятия безумия.
«If You Find This World Bad, You Should See Some of the Others (1977)» - полный текст легендарного выступления Филипа Дика на фестивале писателей-фантастов в городе Мец, Франция в 1977 году. Когда многие мало что поняли и на собственном опыте увидели, что Дик, возможно, и на самом деле поехал ку-ку...
“If You Find This World Bad, You Should See Some of the Others” was delivered as a speech by Dick at the second Festival International de la Science-Fiction de Metz, France, in September 1977. It was first published in French translation in L’Annee 1977-78 de la S.-F. et du Fantastique (Juilliard, 1978), edited by Jacques Goimard. Its first English publication came in the PKDS Newsletter, No. 27, August 1991.
На Ютьюбе есть неполная видеозапись его выступления:
Philip K. Dick speech in Metz, France, 1977 - с французским переводчиком
Philip K Dick speech (interpreter edited out) in Metz, France, 1977 - с вырезанными кусками французского перевода.
Содержание выступления Дика жестко опирается на видение, произошедшее с ним после посещения зубного врача с хорошей порцией мощного обезболивающего... И последующие события, полные синхронии и озарения-видения, навели его на странную теорию, в которой замешаны Параллельные Миры, расположенные перпендикулярно «Линии Времени». Эти миры представляют собой попытки Бога-Программиста устроить лучший из возможных миров, исправляя «на лету» ошибки.
In late February 1974 I was given sodium pentothol for the extraction of impacted wisdom teeth. Later that day, back home again but still deeply under the influence of the sodium pentothol, I had a short, acute flash of recovered memory. In one instant I caught it all, but immediately rejected it-rejected it, however, with the realization that what I had retrieved in the way of buried memories was authentic. Then, in mid−March, the corpus of memories, whole, intact, began to return. You are free to believe me or free to disbelieve, but please take my word on it that I am not joking; this is very serious, a matter of importance. I am sure that at the very least you will agree that for me even to claim this is in itself amazing. Often people claim to remember past lives; I claim to remember a different, very different, present life. I know of no one who has ever made that claim before, but I rather suspect that my experience is not unique; what perhaps is unique is the fact that I am willing to talk about it.
Все возникающие у нас чувства дежа-вю, странные видения связаны, по мнению Филипа Дика, именно с «просачиванием» информации между мирами. Мы словно живем одновременно во всех «пробных» мирах и вертимся в «колесе сансары».
Что такое Колесо Сансары и как это работает | Дзен Затем, «проснувшись», человек освобождается от иллюзий времени, он вспоминает все свои воплощения и теперь он может перейти в самый лучший мир.
What I envision clearly is that the Programmer is perpetually using the antecedent universe as a gigantic stockpile for each new synthesis, the antecedent universe then possessing the aspect of chaos or anomie in relation to an emerging new cosmos. Therefore the endless process of sequential struck-off alternate worlds, emerging and being infused with actualization, is negentropic in some way that we cannot see.
During the brief time I walked about in it I had the strong impression that it was our legitimate home that somehow we had lost. The time I spent there was short-about six hours of real elapsed time. But I remember it well. In the novel I wrote with Roger Zelazny, Deus Irae, I describe it toward the end, at the point where the curse is lifted from the world by the death and transfiguration of the God of Wrath. What was most amazing to me about this parklike world, this Track C, was the non−Christian elements forming the basis of it; it was not what my Christian training had prepared me for at all. Even when it began to phase out I still saw sky; I saw land and dark blue smooth water, and standing by the edge of the water a beautiful nude woman whom I recognized as Aphrodite. At that point this other better world had diminished to a mere landscape beyond a Golden Rectangle doorway; the outline of the doorway pulsed with laserlike light and it all grew smaller and was at last alas gone from sight, the 3:5 doorway devouring itself into nothingness, sealing off what lay beyond. I have not seen it since, but I had the firm impression that this was the next world-not of the Christians-but the Arcady of the Greco−Roman pagan world, something older and more beautiful than that which my own religion can conjure up as a lure to keep us in a state of dutiful morality and faith. What I saw was very old and very lovely. Sky, sea, land, and the beautiful woman, and then nothing, for the door had shut and I was closed off back here. It was with a bitter sense of loss that I saw it go-saw her go, really, since it all constellated about her.
Иисус как раз и был таким «проснувшимся», получив способность переходить между «мирами», он нас пытался наставить на единственно-правильное видение Мира...
Contemplating this possibility of a lateral arrangement of worlds, a plurality of overlapping Earths along whose linking axis a person can somehow move-can travel in a mysterious way from worst to fair to good to excellent-contemplating this in theological terms, perhaps we could say that herewith we suddenly decipher the elliptical utterances that Christ expressed regarding the Kingdom of God, specifically where it is located.
Проблема с этой историей у Филипа Дика, что он ее жестко замешивает с политической ситуацией того времени, связанной с правлением президента Никсона.
Никсон, Ричард - Википедия Дик (и многие другие) видел Никсона как главного виновника всех проблем в Америке того времени и в свою очередь желали ему всяческих проблем, и затем возрадовались, когда после скандала он ушел в отставку...
Филип Дик вспоминает свой роман «Лейтесь Слезы, сказал Полицейский»(1974) в котором как раз обыгрывалась тема со смещением Никсона в параллельном мире и Дик открывает в этом свою проявившуюся способность «видеть» сквозь время...
Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said - Wikipedia Examine the text of Flow My Tears and, keeping in mind that it was written in 1970 and published in February 1974, make an effort to construct the previous events that would have had to take place, or not take place, to account for the world depicted in the novel as lying slightly in the future. One small but critical theme is alluded to twice (I believe) in Flow My Tears. It has to do with Nixon. In the future world of Flow My Tears, in the dreadful slave state that exists and evidently has existed for decades, Richard Nixon is remembered as an exalted, heroic leader-referred to, in fact, as the “Second Only Begotten Son of God.” It is evident from this and many other clues that Flow My Tears deals not with our future but the future of a present world alternate to our own. Blacks, by the time Flow My Tears takes place, have become an ecological rarity, protected “as are wild whooping cranes.” In the novel one rarely sees blacks on the streets of the United States. But the year in which Flow My Tears takes place is only eleven years from now: October 1988.
Слова Филипа Дика местами могут вызвать полное недоумение и скептицизм, - «а не троллит ли он просто нас, обыгрывая тему «фейк-фейков» в риалити-шоу формате???» - но, увы, все предлагается на полном серьезе...
Шестая заключительная часть книги посвящена фрагментам дневниковых и неопубликованных записей Дика из «Exegesis / Екзегезиз» - финального периода его жизни...
The Exegesis is a free-roaming affair-as a nightly journal devoted to the expression of one’s inmost (and ever-changing) thoughts on the largest and most perplexing issues of life would naturally be. Careful selections serve it well, for there is within it much repetition, much fretful worrying over past crisis moments in his life, many futile stabs at insight, and occasional bouts of pettiness and spleen. At its best, however, the flights of the Exegesis through impossibly possible worlds are remarkable.
Идеи оттуда в значительной степени повторяют историю из вышеупомянутой «Мец-речи» Дика, но дополняются новыми и само-противоречащими идеями, утопая в софистике и «притягах» с жестким замесом идей Христианства (с назойливым копанием в Библии), Индуизма, Буддизма... Подключается новая идея с «Движением Времени в Обратную Сторону» которая способствует освобождению всего живого...
The ability to make time run backward gets you out of your programmed groove (“groove tracking”) and renders you free. This ability and only this ability frees you from an otherwise airtight [sic] tyranny that dooms all mankind. All life forms, in fact.
Но опять-таки, все возвращается к тому главному «озарению-видению» Дика, случившемуся в 1974 году под «Тиопенталом Натрия», связанного с неожиданным появлением у дверей его дома девушки-видения с «христианским» амулетом на груди и видением себя живущим в эпохе «Жизни Иисуса»...
Sodium thiopental - Wikipedia My novel Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said was released by Doubleday in February 1974. The week after it was released, I had two impacted wisdom teeth removed, under sodium pentothol. Later that day I found myself in intense pain. My wife phoned the oral surgeon and he phoned a pharmacy. Half an hour later there was a knock at my door: the delivery person from the pharmacy with the pain medication. Although I was bleeding and sick and weak, I felt the need to answer the knock on the door myself. When I opened the door, I found myself facing a young woman-who wore a shimmering gold necklace in the center of which was a gleaming gold fish. For some reason I was hypnotized by the gleaming gold fish; I forgot my pain, forgot the medication, forgot why the girl was there. I just kept staring at the fish sign.
“What does that mean?” I asked her.
The girl touched the glimmering golden fish with her hand and said, “This is a sign worn by the early Christians.” She then gave me the package of medication.
In that instant, as I stared at the gleaming fish sign and heard her words, I suddenly experienced what I later learned is called anamnesis-a Greek word meaning, literally, “loss of forgetfulness.” I remembered who I was and where I was. In an instant, in the twinkling of an eye, it all came back to me. And not only could I remember it but I could see it. The girl was a secret Christian and so was I. We lived in fear of detection by the Romans. We had to communicate with cryptic signs. She had just told me all this, and it was true.
For a short time, as hard as this is to believe or explain, I saw fading into view the black, prisonlike contours of hateful Rome. But, of much more importance, I remembered Jesus, who had just recently been with us, and had gone temporarily away, and would very soon return. My emotion was one of joy. We were secretly preparing to welcome Him back. It would not be long. And the Romans did not know. They thought He was dead, forever dead. That was our great secret, our joyous knowledge. Despite all appearances, Christ was going to return, and our delight and anticipation were boundless.
Isn’t it odd that this strange event, this recovery of lost memory, occurred only a week after Flow My Tears was released? And it is Flow My Tears that contains the replication of people and events from the Book of Acts, which is set at the precise moment in time-just after Jesus’ death and resurrection-that I remembered, by means of the golden fish sign, as having just taken place?
If you were me, and had this happened to you, I’m sure you wouldn’t be able to leave it alone. You would seek a theory that would account for it. For over four years now, I have been trying one theory after another: circular time, frozen time, timeless time, which is called “sacred” as contrasted to “mundane” time. . . I can’t count the theories I’ve tried out.
Если последняя часть книги не вынесет читателю окончательно мозг (после пятой), то, вероятно, у него есть все шансы причислиться к армии «проснувшихся» и начать готовиться к приходу в тот самый единственно лучший мир, кратковременно видение которого, кстати, у Филипа Дика также было.
Palm trees are a Christian symbol of the Holy Land; what I saw in 2-75, then, is a vision of the Holy Land. I did not go (journey) to it; it came to me. I was already seeing a palm tree (like the Afrika Korps palm tree emblem) in the FISH sign, months before. The palmer sign, perhaps.
*Есть еще интересный момент с перекликанием идей Филипа Дика и Теренса Маккенны (который, вероятно, это также увидел и всячески хвалил Дика) про некую «точку» в истории нашего Мира после которой произойдет полное «пробуждение» всех и все переменится, очевидно «к лучшему». Также про «параллельные» Миры, из которых к нам прилетают НЛО. Еще проскакивала у Дика тема «новизны», которую разрабатывал Маккеннаю
Теренс Маккенна про будущее Человечества и что Феминизм (но не тот, который сейчас) спасёт Мир! Теренс Маккенна: НЛО можно вызывать по желанию, но лучше приглядеться вокруг. Тексты (включая из 5 части) нужно читать по нескольку раз, открывая новые нюансы и усиливая «вывих» своего мозга...
Но читатель-поклонник SF-творчества Филипа Дика, вероятно, будет несколько разочарован материалом сборника "The Shifting Realities of Philip K. Dick: Selected Literary and Philosophical Writings" - слишком он местами заметно скучен, тягомотен, полон противоречий и, несмотря на присутствие мощно массирующих мозг мыслей и идей, все тонет в тяжеловесной подаче материала, которой нет в его «прозаическом» творчестве, во всяком случае, в такой степени...
[английский] Philip K. Dick / Филип К. Дик - Собрание сочинений [FB2, ENG]