Уже при первом просмотре на VHS еще в конце 90-х годов фильма «Дикие Сердцем», специально записанного в студии видеозаписи, я обратил внимание на интересного проходного персонажа, сумасшедшего двоюродного брата Лулы.
На 44 минуте фильма Лула рассказывает Сэйлору историю в ответ на его замечание, что он хочет завязать с поступками по импульсу без явной причины. В мире, - говорит Сэйлор, - и так полно носится безумия на подхвате...
00:44 - But I'll tell you, from now on, I ain't gonna do nothing for no good reason. All I know for sure is there's more than a few bad ideas running around loose out there.
Лула рассказывает историю про своего двоюродного брата Делла, слегка помешанного на идее Рождества, чтобы оно длилось все время...
- You know, there's something I ain't never told you about, Sailor. And this here's a story with a lesson about bad ideas. Well, my cousin Dell was always fighting bad ideas. See, Dell loved Christmas. We used to call him Jingle Dell. He wanted Christmas to last all year long. He sure would scream out when his mama told him it was summertime and Christmas was six months off.
Делл настолько подхватил идею, что стал обвинять в этом пришельцев из космоса, живущих скрытно на Земле и контролирующих погоду. Пришельцев можно узнать по черным резиновым (или кожаным?) перчаткам, которые они везде носят.
- And also he would say, that he felt those men with black rubber gloves was following him around. Dell said that trust and the spirit of Christmas was destroyed by ideas being controlled by aliens wearing black gloves. These aliens would get Dell to do all kinds of things. Then he'd carry on about the weather, talk about how rainfall's controlled by aliens living on Earth. Aunt Rootie told Dell that one day he would realize that the alien wearing the black gloves was him and him alone.
На эту историю Сэулор замечает, что, судя по всему, старина Дэлл был более чем просто увлеченным идеей...
Но история стала заходить еще дальше: ночные готовки еды, тараканы в трусах и анусе...а затем Делл просто взял и исчез...
- Well, it sounds like old Dell was more than just a little bit confused, peanut.
- Well, Dell was learning a hard lesson. It got so he'd stay up all night making sandwiches.
- Dell, what are you doing?
- I'm making my lunch!
- Mama told me Aunt Rootie, that's Dell's mama, found cockroaches in Dell's underwear. One time, she found Dell putting one big cockroach right on his anus.
- Hell, peanut.
- It ain't so funny now, though. Dell disappeared. Nobody's seen him since.
- It's too bad he couldn't visit that old Wizard of Oz and get some good advice. Too bad we all can't, baby.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1y7cZSWu93k Примечательно, что в оригинальном романе Барри Гиффорда (
Barry Gifford) 1990 года персонаж Делл нёс совсем другую нагрузку.
Wild at Heart: The Story of Sailor and Lula (1990)
Wild at Heart by Barry GiffordWild at Heart (novel) - Wikipedia https://archive.org/details/wildlifeofsailor0000giff_m8d9 Барри Гиффорд отдал роман на сценарное растерзание Линчу, предоставив ему полную свободу.
А в романе Гиффорда Лула рассказывает историю Сэйлору иначе, это двоюродный брат Делл впервые сделал ее беременной, и ей пришлось сделать аборт. И уже затем братец спятил и начал видеть пришельцев в черных кожаных перчатках, которые скрывают их металлические руки. В романе ни слова ни о Рождестве, ни о тараканах... Делл работал сварщиком и посреди ночи он стал вставать, собираться на работу и готовить себе сэндвичи.
“You tell the boy who knocked you up?”
“It was my cousin, Dell, done it. His folks used to visit with us summers.”
“What happened to him?”
“Oh, nothin’. I never let on to Mama about Dell bein’ the one. I just flat refused to tell her who the daddy was? I didn’t tell Dell, neither. He was back home in Chattanooga by then anyhow, and I didn’t see the point. Somethin’ terrible happened to him, though. Six months ago.”
“What’s that, peanut?”
“Dell disappeared. He’d started behavin’ weird. Like comin’ up to people every fifteen minutes and askin’ how they were doin’. And just seemin’ real spacey and actin’ funny.”
“Actin’ funny how?” said Sailor.“Well, like Mama told me Aunt Rootie-Dell’s mama-she found Dell up in the black of night all dressed and makin’ sandwiches in the kitchen. Aunt Rootie asked him what he was doin’ and Dell told her he was makin’ his lunch and goin’ to work. He’s a welder. And she made him go back to bed. Then he’d carry on about the weather. Talk about how rainfall’s controlled by aliens livin’ on earth sent as spies from another planet. Also how men wearin’ black leather gloves ’cause they got metal hands are followin’ him around.”
“Probaly the rain boys from outer space,” Sailor said.
“It ain’t so funny now, though,” said Lula. “December, before Christmas Dell disappeared and Aunt Rootie hired a private eye to find him. He was missin’ for almost a month before he wandered back in the house one mornin’. Said he’d been drivin’ to work and the next thing he knew he was in Sarasota, Florida, on a beautiful beach, so he decided to stay for a while. The private eye cost Aunt Rootie over a thousand dollars. Then a little while later Dell run off again to someplace and nobody seen him since.”
“He don’t sound so crazy to me,” said Sailor. “Probably just he needed to make a change is all.”
Еще примечательна история создания романа. Барри Гиффорд утверждает, что первоначальная идея и текст были буквально надиктованы ему голосом, звучащим прямо в его голове.
‘I was down in Cape Fear in the summer of 1988, writing a book on deep-sea fishing, and one morning I woke up in this little motel in Southport, North Carolina, and I heard these voices,’ Gifford recalls. ‘Not voices from another room, but the voices of Sailor and Lula talking in my head. And I immediately sat down and started writing down their conversation. And they just kept going.’ Gifford soon realised that he would be unable to finish his fishing piece, and began writing the book that would become Wild at Heart instead. ‘For the first time in my life, I felt that I was taking dictation. Basically I was letting them run, and I almost didn’t publish Wild at Heart on its own. I was gonna see how it played out, because it was turning into a saga.’
https://archive.org/details/completelynch0000hugh The Complete Lynch by David Hughes Барри Гиффорд затем выпустил целую серию романов продолжений приключений Сэйлора и Лулы, и Пердиты Дуранго.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perdita_Durangohttps://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Пердита_Дуранго Все романы Гиффорда на английском легко найти на Либгене и Архив.орге
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