Как определить грань, которая разделяет мир снов от повседневной «физической» реальности?
What is the edge which separates the image reality of our dream life from the so-called physical reality of the real world?
В выложенной 16 октября 2021 года первой части интервью с Фред Аланом Вульфом (Вольфом) 1995 года
The Dreaming Universe, Part 1, with Fred Alan Wolf из архивов
Thinking Allowed series помимо спекуляций на тему «Сновидений и Реальности» зашел разговор о буддийском мистическом феномене
Тульпа /
Tulpa - медитирование на внутреннем образе до такой степени, что он материализуется в объект, даже одухотворенный и который способен обрести независимое существование в материальном мире.
11-я минута «as i understand it this is a technique used by Tibetan Buddhists and maybe other buddhist sects to, first of all, create an image of something which doesn't exist in the physical world. A mental image - to meditate upon on a regular basis as a regular part of their daily meditation routine. To meditate on not so strongly that other people meditating in their presence without knowing what the image is that they're meditating on begin to see the same image.
When a number of people begin to see that image then something seems to happen, which sounds impossible to any irrational western mind - the object of which the image is being thought about begins to appear in the same room or space that the imagers are thinking about.
There are stories which indicate that some images became so real that even after the person who was imagining the image died the image still persisted.
So whether the image is a real object say is this like there's a vase on the table or whether it's an object created by mind it's very difficult to say at this point. Because I think from what I understand the image became so real that they could actually reach out and touch it and it would feel to them as just as this object feels real to my fingers.
Alexandra David-Néel as i recall described this Tulpa becoming a personality a person and other people would see it and it eventually became autonomous and and rather cantankerous and she lost complete control over it.
- Exactly. I would say it's a kind of a psychic ouija board effect if you want to use that term. Many minds are involved and there's First of all we have to now we're getting into some definitions of mind and consciousness. Is consciousness an airtight thing contained within the framework of each of our bodies or is consciousness something that exists outside of the body in which the body encompasses parts of it sort of like bubbles encompass the air in the in a great ocean of some sort?
If we assume that consciousness exists per se, then there may be some amplification or magnification effect when two or more individuals begin to meditate or to contemplate or visualize the same imagery.
And I think that's what is going on here. She lost control because other beings were other presences other humans possibly even other spiritual presences were using the same image.
Скачать книгу Alexandra David-Neel, A. D'Arsonval, Paul Tice - 1973 Magic and Mystery in Tibet см. в моем ЖЖ
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Неполная версия Fred Alan Wolf - 1994 Dreaming Universe (Uncompleted) и другие книгина английском Купить бумажные книги на русском Книги Фреда Алана Вольфа - 10 произведений https://archive.org/search.php?query=creator%3A%22Wolf%2C+Fred+Alan%22 N.B. Тема Тульпы в поп-арт-медиа пространстве получила новый всплеск внимания после выхода в 2017 году
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