Дональд Хоффман об conscious AI и открытии "инопланетной" жизни вокруг нас - парадокс Ферми.

Sep 14, 2020 15:00

Donald Hoffman on
Reality, Consciousness, and Conscious Agents
Closer To Truth Chats


Возможное решение проблемы создания AI - Искусственного Сознающего (Conscious) Разума

" - I have an interface that gives me a portal into your consciousness, not exhaustive - you can fool me (and) I could fool you. I mean I could pretend that i'm, you know, feeling fine if i have a headache and there's all sorts of ways I can afford but it's a genuine portal.

so so that's the point we have an interface we know that our interface does give us genuine portals into certain consciousnesses.

So now the question is as scientists if we really get a mathematical model of this dynamics on graphics of conscious agents, we really understand it, we understand how our space-time interface arises from it with mathematical precision so we're like in the position of this
the game engineers - we know the super computer we know the software in the virtual reality headset.

Once you know that now you can play right you can actually re-jig the software and change the interface.

So here's the AI question gets turned around - is it possible for us to re-jig our interface using what may look like technologies like silicon and voltages and so forth to open up new portals into this pre-existing realm of conscious agents.

I'm not trying to create new consciousness  - I'm saying there are all these conscious agents out there, can i open up a new portal into that realm? And for what it's worth I think yes I think once we understand we can do it"

О Парадоксе Фермиhttps://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Парадокс_Ферми

" - Why we do not see alien intelligences in the vast universe?

- Fermi's paradox is where are they right, I mean - that's a big universe and (if) there's intelligence out there we should have seen it by now and we keep looking (and) we don't find any...

and from this point of view in which you know space time isn't the fundamental reality it's just our headset and the reality is this infinite network of conscious agents what we're doing is  we have this headset on and we're looking inside of our headset and saying we don't i don't see them anywhere ...

Well, you're not looking in the right place - you're just looking in your headset

We science up until now with all of us dramatic successes has only studied our headset where just now if this whole framework is right we're just now in the position to start to look at objective reality beyond our headset.

I'm proposing that once we do that we'll realize that they were all were out there in droves and we were just like ants that couldn't see the guy with the raid can coming at them we just couldn't see because we weren't looking the right in the right place "


quantum quackery, счастье есть, мистика, метафизическое, люблю этот мир, измененные состояния сознания, наука, фантазии на сон грядущий, космос, жизненное, философия, космология, цитаты

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