edit: Sorry guys, latest update seems to say that it's not true, as there were no actual announcements. Gomen! m(_ _)m
*sigh* Though it would have been uber awesome to see him in a role like this. At least we still have "The Game" and BECK to look forward to soon. ^^
It's kind of early to say, but the hot news right now is that Sato Takeru seems to have been cast as the lead for the live-action movie adaptation of the manga/anime "Rurouni Kenshin". They must have been really impressed with his work as Izo on "Ryomaden". I have yet to find a major news source, but the original Japanese articles are here:
http://www.terrafor.net/news_aZ3IFn5UZq.html?right http://woman.infoseek.co.jp/news/entertainment/story.html?q=cyzowoman_08Jul2010_6274 http://www.cyzowoman.com/2010/07/post_2099.html I'm really bad at translating articles, so if anyone wants to or can do it, thank you! ^^ From the articles, it seems like it's fairly certain, but not 100% confirmed yet...? The role will require lots of action, sword fighting, and horseback riding, and apparently the producer is confident that Takeru will be able to do it really well, after seeing his "Ryomaden" performance. According to the producer, filming is said to start this summer. The articles are kind of vague, and so I'm not sure how accurate they are, but I hope it's true! The Takeru fans on Ameba are all atwitter about it already! ^^