Just a couple high quality trailers/cms (that have yet to be subbed by some nice people out there ^^) and two scans (Scanned by
http://titesouris.livejournal.com for
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FVISCHPtv0http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOAFcWzkGqg(not that much Takeru, but it's still exciting to see!)
http://community.livejournal.com/brume_glaciale/7823.html (just a personal comment - in promotions/scans/news articles, there's a lot of Take-chan action, but in the trailers there's very little shown of him except for that file 001, so I'm wondering if he (A) has a small part but is eye-candy for all ages/genders so they're using him to promote the movie, or (B) his role is going to be so cool, smexy, cute, and kick ass that they can't show too much or it'll ruin the movie excitement and big surprises in store for his character! hmmmmm... I'm hoping for (B), though (A) is tasty, too...)