B2ST's Music Are Now Available On iTunes!

Aug 11, 2010 19:20

Now there is a way to purchase Korean music in America, Canada, and Europe through iTunes.

The Universal Music company (Representative Yang Bumjoon) stated that Korean music will be available for purchase through the iTunes music store in America, Canada, and Europe where a lot of the overseas fans reside in.

So for K-POP, 4minute, BEAST, G.NA, Yoon Dohyun, YB (Yoon Dohyun Band), Hot Potato, and more then 200 other songs will be added along with Jo Soomi, Baek Guneoo, Yongjaeohnil, Shin Yongoak, and other classic artists in the overseas iTunes music store.

Universal Music had been continually adding Korean artists into the global market. This year, they had put out 4minute and BEAST not just in Japan, but also in other parts of Asia as well, helping the Korean culture grow.

iTunes Music store had been established in 2003 as a music site for the American Apple company and had made a big impact in the global digital music market.

Link to the site: itunes.apple.com/us/album/shock-new...ion/id385316603
Credits to B2STRising

PLEASE NOTE: It is now easier for international fans to buy their album. HOWEVER, it will not count towards the Hanteo Charts. If you are going to buy from iTunes, it's fine, just as long as you ALSO buy a physical album from sites that counts towards the Hanteo Charts. For a list of sites to buy the albums please visit my page: myboyrobin.livejournal.com/2741.html
Join me in helping B2ST to win on music shows and topping the Hanteo charts! Thank you.^^

misc: others, information: merchandise

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