Jun 01, 2004 20:54
Its been exactly 23 days since i last posted. so much has happened sinec then. most of it for the better i think. i have narrowed down my college search to two cities. i have much more freedoms. i am more confident in my self and my abilities.
i can't say what exactly has caused these motivational changes in me. the change i experienced a month ago was caused by one reason. i started hanging out with different people, and i felt a change. i went from a group of people who are very hidebound and untrustworthy, to a group of people who are more liberal in the philosphical aspects of life. no not into drinking, drugs, or homesexuality, just in the way they think and react. i have met more people in this past month going out with these different people than i have all of highschool. i'm not trying to hurt my other friends feelings and stuff, but i feel more of a connection with these new people maybe i'm wron meybe i'm not, bust so far the change is good, and seems to be getting better by the seconds.
on a sad note most of my good friends will be gone for the summer, so we can't do the cool things we used to do, i just hope they have fun and don't think about certain persons to much and don't overanalyse the world to much either.