Well hey guys! Its been a while hasn’t it? A month. Woah. Well….. what can I say…
nothing much has changed. Life continues to go about in its vicious circle and that’s it. M continues being M… and now is starting to change… to the worse. Eh. He’s being very… what’s the word I want to use? Ah yes, cold. I don’t understand why if we are just friends. I don’t understand how one person could change so much from month to month. Then they say us girls are friggin’ moody. I beg to differ!!! Last night I told him I HATE YOU and he tells me “Hate is a strong word”. Yes it is… but I couldn’t mean it more at that moment in time. They say there is a thin line between love and hate… but I wasn’t on the very positive side of that line yesterday.
I met someone new this weekend. His name is Alex. There isn’t much to say yet or I don’t know if there will ever be mention of him again in this journal… but I will keep you posted. Wounds are still healing and I doubt I would be ready for a deeper one to be cut. I am pretty vulnerable now. Yes, I admitted it… I am vulnerable. Who would of thought? Me, human? Hm.
Also, I have been going on the hunt for work because my contract with Washington Mutual Bank is up as of… today. Luckily, I got a job starting Monday and I also made a tiny investment into a product that will be launching off and I am hoping to make some money off of that too. *crosses fingers*.
I am not TOO excited about the new job on Monday but, I hope it’ll prove me wrong. Usually my instincts do not deceive me but… ya know. Won’t know until I try it. *shrugs* Good thing is, I will be able to travel about 3 times a year… If I understood correctly, to some conventions being held by the company and I believe some of them are usually national and some may even be held international… such as Italy. Yes people, I may get to travel to Italy due to work. Yey!
My emotions about everything are mixed up… I feel like a fart caught in a whirlwind and blah. I have been getting sick on and off for about 3 months now… and I feel sick again this morning. I am trying to think if it could be stress related. I don’t know but I am having difficulties breathing this morning. Kind of panicking because, I suffer from chronic bronchitis and had it for about a good 2 months last year. Didn’t find out what it was until I got severely sick at work… got home and had a temperature of 104 and told my mom that I needed to go to the hospital. My mom thought that I was exaggerating but… I had chronic bronchitis and a viral infection, which could have turned for the worse if I had not had it taken care of. Ofcourse at that moment, I had insurance. Now, I don’t. Lovely.
Anyhow, that is really what there is with me as far as updates go. Hope everyone is good. For my younger crowd of friends… hope you guys are having a kick ass summer. Talk to you all later. Pizzouh.