so my school talent show was this past thursday, friday, and saturday. yes i did go see it all three days. yes i did take over 5 rolls of film. yes i love everyone in the show.
the show was themed "I WANT MY MTV" and went above and beyond. From afi, to micheal jackson, to the first ever video of Video Killed the Radio star to acting segments of punked, nick and jessica, the osbournes, MADE, and even video of mtv cribs(gregs farm, i was in it!) the show was fucking amazing. i still dont fully have my voice back. my food friend andrew was the director and marcus the tech director. they were both the best ever. clearly we go to Whitman HS as we spent $10,000 on the show ($6,000 on lighting alone) but i can garuntee you its better than anything your school ever did/does/will EVER DO!
oh boy were we excited
my friend andrew maury and magnificent director of the show!
a cappella group. very nice
pick up the pieces!
big black cat- covered afi. supremely well done.
my fellow cuban partner in crime rockin it 80s mr chris leon
they were so good
amazing in fact
welcome to the jungle!
gregor! bass solo dunnnnnnannnnannananan
hot aaaand hot
i wanna be MADE : into a rapper. oh hell yea jessie and her BLING
video killed the radio starrrrr
sooo good.
tonight tonight. quite possbily the most beautiful thing ever. ever.
oh and you can bet they closed with THE DARKNESS