Jun 23, 2007 12:44
After that everyone got their shirts and went to their assigned buildings. I didn’t get a shirt because I was “staff” and was supposed to get a different shirt (a polo shirt). I also wasn’t assigned a building and wasn’t told to go anywhere, so I went with one of the returnees and made up rooms for a conference. I kicked off around noon, and went and finally got my stuff moved to Finley my new digs for the summer.
I showed up at 0800 and worked until 1900 that evening. I was working with a returnee that had no clue, moved like molasses, didn’t document what we were doing, and wouldn’t lift more than 15 pounds. Yea, that sucked. I also tried to get my polo shirt, and was told that I couldn't have that because they were for CA's and GAM's only. I should get one of the other shirts, and a staff name tag. I still have neither.
Working by myself and with a pillaged H-Crew member, I un-jacked Tuesdays work, inventoried everything, ditched the sloth, and completed the rest of the weeks work... in one day. Its amazing what you can do with someone who is willing to work. Unfortunately we were met with criticism for doing too much too fast.
Seeing as we had completed the rest of the weeks work yesterday, they grudgingly created more work for us. Moving linens. We were given a list that must have come from god himself, because when we questioned why we would move 1500 sheets from point A, to point B, and then 500 sheets from point B to point C we were informed that we didn’t know anything, and there was a good reason for this madness. Anyway, this should keep us busy for a few days. We completed it all, save for the one locked door I couldn’t get open. With that free time I practiced some social engineering, and got a set of master keys and got the door open.
Moved the linens that we had freed by 1100, and the fact that we had once again completed a monumental task in seemingly no time appeared to aggravate the powers that be, so I kicked off early and tooled up to P-Town for some flying and dinner with the family.
The entire week:
The powers that be seem to have been in a continual state of panic. If they micromanage to no end, wanting to know every little thing you do, and then are panicked with details overload, and worrying about minor things that could be handled by others. Questions get curt answers that let you know that you are being a pain. Unclear instructions are given, and when you try to clarify, its like you’re an idiot for not understanding the first time. (How the hell am I to know an order to “count the linens” really means, count the linens while you are moving them from point A to point B.)
Anyway, I am going to make my side of this run smoother than turbine engine. They talk about this being a “stressful environment” and it’s really not. It’s a few people propagating panic through their employees.