Well, I was depressed after receiving a replay from the ball-les Richard Devlin. Anyway, I feel better today as I heard back from another elected official, Darlene Hooley.
Mr. Mandrell,
Thank you for taking the time to write about the Real ID act. I will oppose implementation steps that infringe the civil liberties of Americans. I understand that Congress may consider changes in the act. Therefore, I encourage you to share your concerns with your federal representation as well:
Rep. Darlene Hooley (D)
District: 005
United States House of Representatives
2430 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington DC, 20515-0001
Phone: (202) 225-5711
Fax: (202) 225-5699
http://hooley.house.gov She has more balls than Richard Devlin, and she’s a woman!
(I can’t give her too much in the way of kudos though, she is still VERY anti-gun).