Bullet found in doorway
David Williams LIVE ammunition has been found lying in the doorway of a busy high street shop.
The .22 calibre short round bullet was found at the entrance of the 99p Stores in Walthamstow High Street on Wednesday morning, November 1.
Haroon Khan, who has a firearms licence and is a member of a local gun club, was alarmed to discover live ammunition in a Walthamstow doorway.
The bullet, of Swiss origin, was still in its brass casing, complete with enough gunpowder for it to fire itself.
Mr Khan said that if it had been struck hard enough or exposed to heat it could have gone off.
"This sort of thing should not be lying around. It was live, primed and active," he said. "But rather me pick it up than a little kid.
"How can you feel safe when you are finding things like this on the street?
"To get hold of one of these is not easy. You have to go through a scrutinised search, you need a licence and you have to belong to a club."
Ammunition of this kind would ordinarily be used in a small handgun or pistol, and both can be owned legally under licence.
But to leave strictly controlled goods out in the street would be enough for a firearms licence to be revoked.
The bullet has been examined at a Metropolitan Police laboratory and details about it kept for future reference.
A police spokesman said: "Recovering firearms and ammunition is a priority for the police. We take the same view of ammunition as we do of a gun.
"If it goes bang, it is still lethal."
Police are treating the unattended ammunition as a crime. Mr Khan alerted them at 10.16am, and they arrived at his shop to pick up the bullet at 11.32am.
7:00pm Thursday 9th November 2006
This is a great example of what happens when you allow a culture to demonize objects. I find this especially amusing because I was in Home Depot just a few days ago and came across three .22 caliber rounds lying on the floor. They were not committing mass murder, threatening to blow up, maiming small children, or anything… They were just lying there. Did I panic and scream “Oh my god BULLETS, some one call 911 before they kill someone!!!” Hell no, I scooped those suckers up and put them in my pocket, someone might have thrown them in the trash otherwise.
Reading this article made me chuckle too:
The bullet, of Swiss origin, was still in its brass casing, complete with enough gunpowder for it to fire itself.
- I am sorry, but ammunition does not “fire itself”, it has to be set off by a firearm, usually manipulated by a human. Ammunition does not make a decision ‘hmmm, I think I should shoot now’ BOOM.
"How can you feel safe when you are finding things like this on the street?
- Actually it’s pretty easy. I am not afraid of inanimate objects. This would be like fearing a parked car because drunk drivers have killed people while driving cars before.
The bullet has been examined at a Metropolitan Police laboratory and details about it kept for future reference.
- Great use of taxpayer money there! I am glad that we spend money to study a piece of ammo that cost about a penny to buy.
"If it goes bang, it is still lethal."
- This is only the case if it is in a gun. Ammunition that cooks off otherwise has almost no energy because the explosion is not contained.