Segunda Entrada

Feb 28, 2008 08:48

Despite having just appeared here against my knowledge, evidently accommodations have already been made for me. How convenient. According to the board, I share this room with someone named Lucius, but I have not seen him.

From what I gather, I have no choice but to live here aimlessly for a very long time if I want my memories back. I'll have to get one of the jobs that irritating woman mentioned, just to stave off boredom.

Now that I've had some time to observe my surroundings, I can definitely feel some kind of force radiating from living beings. It varies strongly from one person to the next; I have yet to conclusively identify the pattern to it, but I have some theories.

[[Filtered, only hackable on account of he doesn't care enough to make it unhackable]]
I don't understand why the people here so blindly trust the insane system governing this place. If the powers that be can arbitrarily return memories to us, who's to say that they can't modify them as well? Everyone here could be dancing like puppets for the rulers of this place, filled with false and manipulated memories at their whims, and yet nobody even thinks to question it. Are they stupid?
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