::: yawn :::

Jun 08, 2004 22:39

have you ever had combos snack thingys? they're good. sorta. but yeah.

i finally have a job. :: gasp :: yeah, its at arby's. and no its not a ghetto store. but its scary working nights. why you ask: because there's bugs outside, and they sometimes come inside. and they're really big bugs too, like, 5 inches... a.k.a. roaches.

oh my gosh, last night was freaky. it was like 10:00, and matt and marson were both standing at the back door smoking, and marson was trying to tell matt he had a roach on his leg. and he thought he was just messing around. and he kept saying, roach on your leg, ROACH ON YOUR LEG!! and matt looked down and sure enough, there it was, and what did he do... HE KICKED IT AT ME... i'm like, deathly afraid of all bugs, and i screamed, and josie, one of the managers, she runs away laughing. then when matt snapped back to reality, he started chasing it with the dust pan.. he squashed it. by that time, i was up ON a chair. they had to coax me down....

half an hour later... i was doing dishes and i saw something with the corner of my eye, THERE WAS ANOTHER ONE... i screamed, ran to the corner, and marson did a ninja jump IN the air along with a jackie chan wannabe scream and jumps on it. and he does this weird yyyaaaaawwwwwwwww!! sound for about 15 seconds just grinding this thing into the ground. did it die??? NO! i swear this was a roach from hell, so he jumped on it yet ANOTHER time, and then lifts his foot and its finally dead. NO.... it wasnt dead, it was desinigrated!

needless to say, they dont have a roach problem, they just have a few in the store from the outside. I'm still scared of them. but yeah.

i got to run front line today all by myself, and i only messed up on one order, out of like 25-30. and thats just because i got really confused. but yeah... yesterday they were training me on it, and today i ran it all by myself.


i'm bored, i think im going to clean my computer room, then my room... possibly my bathroom, depending on whether or not i'm tired. its already 11 in the pm.

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