Title: Transparency
Fandom: House, M.D.
Character: Dr. Greg House
Prompt: 004. Insides.
Word Count: 408
Rating: PG
Spoilers: “One Day, One Room” and speculation on an upcoming preview
Author’s Notes: It seems to be the season for TPTB to be coming out with “big secrets” about our favorite protagonist. This is purely my speculation on why, if indeed they’re going to keep going on this path, House would suddenly be talking about all these long-buried things.
Gregory House had always been a private man. He’d never been the “caring and sharing” type to begin with (that would be Wilson), and he always thought that it added to his mystique to have a couple extra things up his sleeve. Like a good poker player, his advantage only lasted as long as no one knew all the cards that he was holding. He knew more about them than they knew about him, and he liked it that way.
Until what had happened with Tritter (that seemed to be his excuse for everything), and then everything had looked a bit different. Tritter had cut his knees out from under him, exposed his addiction, turned his friends and staff against him, made Cuddy perjure herself to save his ass. When it came to the Vicodin, now he didn’t have much left to hide. Everyone had seen him at his lowest point. Everyone knew now that he hadn’t really been detoxing.
House knew now that he was more exposed than he had ever been. He didn’t like being caught off guard like that, to be poked and prodded like a lab rat (that was what he did to other people). If secrets about him were going to start coming out, he was going to be the one telling them, and controlling what happened after.
The rape victim was a start. Telling her about his father hadn’t been in the plan, but it had been a means to an end, and now that he had said it he felt a little bit better for having got it off his chest. It wasn’t public knowledge, but at least he had said it, admitted it to himself more than he ever had to her. She had been a conduit for him to deal with something he should have dealt with long before. Not that it made any difference in who he was, or what he was, but at least he had stopped ignoring it (like he’d always planned to do until he died).
That was a start. There were other secrets, and now people would be looking for them. House was no less willing to let them out. It would all come down to his own time, in his own way, and whatever happened then would be of his own making. He was realizing that he would never be a private man as long as there were people who always wanted inside.