Title: Summerfire
Characters: Brittany House, Jake Hannigan, Dan Collins
Pairing: none
Word Count: 416
Rating: PG
Summary: Dan takes exception to something he sees one day.
Author's Notes: Sort of inspired by the whole recent controversy surrounding Bob Knight.
One minute it was just a simple game of one-on-one during the break in practice, the next Dan Collins knew, the basketball hit his coach square in the chest with a thud. It wasn't a light thud, either. He could hear that from where he was standing on the sideline.
He didn't like that sound at all.
Brittany House and Jake Hannigan didn't notice his look of annoyance. They were too busy standing at center court, arguing with one another yet again. There was no doubt that they were on the same team, they just never seemed to be on the same side.
"You cannot fuck around with this," Jake said, giving her a narrow-eyed stare. "You have to stop being a coward, and take what you want."
"Who's fucking around?" she asked him lowly, glaring at him. "It's just not as easy as you make it look. You may have played, but you've never coached..."
"...no, but I know you," he replied, and as if to make a point, he shoved her a little bit. It wasn't that hard, but Brittany wasn't prepared for it, and she stumbled backward slightly. Still glaring at him.
Dan, on the other hand, was seeing red, and it didn't take him more than a few seconds to step between the two of them. His eyes were angry. "Keep your hands off my coach," he snapped, annoyed as all hell. Probably the angriest Brittany had ever seen him. While he was nowhere near the physical specimen Jake was, he was a good eight inches taller, so this wasn't someone to just brush off.
Jake's facial expression didn't change. But he knew that slugging one of the players on the team was not a good idea. "Don't think you can order me around," he replied quietly. "You'd be making a big mistake."
"The only mistake I'd be making is not defending my teammate." Dan folded his arms over his chest, and didn't move either.
Brittany finally cleared her throat after a couple more heartbeats of a staredown. "That's enough, you two," she said quietly. "I think our points have been made."
Dan turned and looked at her, as if to look her over for injury, before he nodded. Satisfied, he moved out of the way, and back to the sideline with the rest of the team. It was then, looking in Jake's eyes, that she could see Jake was watching Dan. And probably would be, for a long time to come.