See my code... (a glimpse into my work day)

Jan 31, 2007 15:36

I wanted to create a database to store IT Event Logs, IT Inventory, System Info, and User Info. I thought I would challenge myself and use an AlphaFive database. My boss like the old Alpha and he's trying to migrate to AlphaFive. My attempts... well they didn't really work out too well. I found myself strugling to get fairly regular filtering and sorting activites to happen in the database. Yes, it has the capacity to do these things, yet I wanted to create standard filters and sorts at the click of a button. As well, I was having issue with comboboxes in Alpha performing lookups in other tables. So I switched to Access. Under the cut you can see the Visual Basic code I ended up using for the various buttons and combo boxes I used to create sorts and filters.
Option Compare Database

Private Sub CmdSortCatID_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_CmdSortCatID_Click

    DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSortAscending

    Exit Sub

    MsgBox Err.Description
    Resume Exit_CmdSortCatID_Click

End Sub
Private Sub CmdSortLocID_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_CmdSortLocID_Click

    DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSortAscending

    Exit Sub

    MsgBox Err.Description
    Resume Exit_CmdSortLocID_Click

End Sub

Private Sub ComboCatIDFilter_Change()
    Dim UnitCatIDFilter As String
    UnitCatIDFilter = "[CategoryID] = " & ComboCatIDFilter.Text
    TxtResults.Value = UnitCatIDFilter
    InventoryDataViewSub.Form.FilterOn = True
    InventoryDataViewSub.Form.Filter = UnitCatIDFilter
End Sub

Private Sub ComboFilterByMake_Change()
    Dim UnitMakeFilter As String
    UnitMakeFilter = "[UnitMake] = '" & ComboFilterByMake.Text & "'"
    TxtResults.Value = UnitMakeFilter
    InventoryDataViewSub.Form.FilterOn = True
    InventoryDataViewSub.Form.Filter = UnitMakeFilter
End Sub

Private Sub ComboLocIDFilter_Change()
    Dim UnitLocIDFilter As String
    UnitLocIDFilter = "[LocationID] = " & ComboLocIDFilter.Text
    TxtResults.Value = UnitLocIDFilter
    InventoryDataViewSub.Form.FilterOn = True
    InventoryDataViewSub.Form.Filter = UnitLocIDFilter
End Sub

Private Sub TxtValueFilter_LostFocus()
    Dim OpValue As String
    Dim UnitValueFilter As String
    OpValue = ComboValueOp.Text
    UnitValueFilter = "[UnitValue] " & OpValue & " " & TxtValueFilter.Value
    'Constructed filter condition: [UnitValue] (=,<,<=,>,>=,<>) (INTEGER)
    TxtResults.Value = UnitValueFilter
    InventoryDataViewSub.Form.FilterOn = True
    InventoryDataViewSub.Form.Filter = UnitValueFilter
End Sub

Private Sub CmdClearFilters_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_CmdClearFilters_Click

DoCmd.ShowAllRecords        'Clear all filters

    Exit Sub

    MsgBox Err.Description
    Resume Exit_CmdClearFilters_Click

End Sub


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