- Freezing Cold
+ Oatmeal breakfast
+ Moved the bus
- Drove to work
- Didn't sleep much
+ Feel awake
- Maybe 75% X-mas shopping done
+ Don't have to go to a mall to finish X-mas shopping
+ Big ass can of popcorn on my desk from co-worker
- Girlfriend home and sick *sends warm fuzzies*
- No lunch with friends today ~rainchecked~
+ Drapes installed and shopping for TV tomorrow!
+ Cleared Trojan.vlob from boss' computer
+ Ideas spilling forth for BurningMan
An odd week here before Christmas. Seems like less than a week away, and at the same time, still a week away. Like the polar ends of anxiety... Did you people out there send cards? I know many LJ Friends asked for my address and I have only gotten one card from
victor_cow (thanks man!) and one of The Best Holiday Card any person could ever imagine from
vandalgrrl. Holiday cards were, well, just not in the cards for me this year.