Shit. I can't wait to graduate. I loved when Lake Erie College was a small liberal arts college. When people came to school to get a degree to get a job. I thought I graduated from high school.
I guess it's about time we had a fight song. I mean our school song
The Ash Grove doesn't really inspire the guys to kick Kenyon's ash ass. It is really pretty though.
I've been playing around with Photoshop. One of my favorite hobbies. I'm really getting into the whole selective coloring thing. Nothing too overwhelming. I don't want Michael Weatherly to look like his hair is on fire. And Emily Deschanel has blue eyes, not blue skin. I'm hoping to get the new version of Elements for Christmas.
If you want me to send you a Christmas card,
comment at this post not here. And if you want to send me a card: instant message or email me. Both are in my profile.