Old Tyme Sign Classics, Act 3 (or, 'John, you IDIOT!!!"), Part 2

Jul 24, 2009 21:24

Welcome back for today's edition of Old Tyme Sign Classics.....last time i shared with you old piccys of signs from far away places that i wished i could get back....for THIS installment of The Trip Down Terror Lane, we stick closer to home...namely Ohio.....

Standard 116x16 steel cutout.  Actually this one went to an ODOT employee as a token of thanks for some stuff he obtained for me (back when ODOT employees could actually DO such things....)

This was a lame effort on my part at restoration...when i got this from a northeastern ODOT depot, it was bare metal, but you could make out the route it had been most recently used on was 531....so i used masking tape to try to replicate the numbers, painted the sign, then used the amateur stencils to poaint in the numbers.....this went west to Scott

One i REALLY wish i had back......bought in an antique shop for the princely sum of $30 in 1991....when i would show it off, my running joke was always "If you can tell me what part of the country the State of Temporary is located, you are a better geographer than i am..."

Bought this from a guy in an antique shop in 1990......never saw a spot of paint in its life, and was discarded unused, when it was discovered in a  scrapyard and rescued....they guy sold it to me under the condition that i would never paint it......never did, and sold it back to him in '95.....

This was cut down for me in 1991...and stayed on the roster for many years, but i dont recall what its fate was

This goodie was actually screened on a BGS when it was taken down by the City of Dayton.....i took the panel it was screened on to a local sign shop and had it cut out.  Regulation size, just a bit thicker than a standard aluminum US shield.  (And the guy in charge back them was friendly to sign collectors....not like the so-and-so i encountered there a couple of years ago who, while his position was understandable, didnt have to be quite so curt about it....)

Another antique shop purchase in the early 90s....and about as pricey as Ohio cutouts got on ebay now!  This sign was paint, but the previous owner had its face treated to keep the paint from weathering away (It was definitely non-reflective...)

Another 24x24 Ohio cutout....i had to choose between this and the Ohio 49 when i had to pare back the collection...this was the sign that drew the short straw...

A rare 16x16 sign from the 1950s...trotted out yearly for the Ohio State Fair.  A nice colorful sign....wish i kept this one too

Standaard 24x24....nice B font tho...

This shield i beleive now resides in the Jeff Francis collection....circular hole next to the 'E'....patch 5 over a 0....that be it alright!  Hope it is enjoying its home

and a larger version....

When Ohio 4 was redone completely between Dayton and Fairborn in 1992, i was able to pick up these shields (the crews didnt care, it just meant less stuff for them to pick up after the resigning was done!)

First, this 36x36 shield

and this 24x30 fiberglass shield

This shield was unusual....made of 'countertop' material, it saw use in construction zones....i should of kept it simply because it was so unsual...

A nice old Ohio Turnpike sign...

and this odd I-shield.....Ohio seldom used button numbers like Georgia did...but here was one sample that did

And one more i wish i kept...partriotic number!  one of a batch of I-76s that were to be sent back for refacing and this was the best of the lot

This small Ohio 7 (or one like it, i had 2 of them) went to the then-head of the Maryland Sign Shop if i recall rightly....

Picked up at a flea market in the early 90s....and disappeared quickly

Finally for today...got this in CIncinnati, and i think it now resides in the Scott Broady collection.....(at the time, i had the TEMP US 6, so i didnt think i needed two of them....)

Stay tuned for out concluding chapter where we visit nearby states, and continue to cry over losses.....

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