Boring update, yah.

Oct 19, 2005 23:44

I'm feeling a lot better today. First of all, I got a decent amount of sleep. And it was good. Like, yummy. I didn't roll out of bed until after noon... *sigh* The past week was really stressing me out so taking a time-out to breathe a little was definitely necessary, for everyone's sake.

I spent most of the day with Jacob and Andrew. We went bowling and that rocked because I haven't gone in the longest time. I broke 100 both times, and even won one of the games. *flex* 132, bitches!

We did other random things throughout the day like going to Best Buy and watching bad reality TV... it was nice. =) Got a text from Christina during Lost and we all met up with her and Kristi afterwards. Gah, what a waste of an episode. =/ Oh well, it was kinda cool seeing how Sun and Jin met. NEXT WEEK, OMGZ!!1

Tonight made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I love my friends. I don't know what I'd do without them. I have very few to begin with, and that's why they're all the more important to me. I don't say it enough... thank you. *love*

Jacob and I went to a sneak preview of Doom last night and on the way there we talked about all the stuff that's been going on lately. He actually got a few things off of his chest and although some of the things he said surprised me, it does wonders for our relationship. You cannot believe how relieved I am. He opened up a little and that's all I needed. He's always one to shrug it off and not let shit bother him, but one can only bottle up so much in. What a defining moment. Haha, yeah, not even exaggerating here. =p

My mom left me a really horrible voicemail (like she has been doing for the past few days when I'm not home by the time she gets off of work) on my way back, since I didn't answer because I knew she'd give me a lecture about how big of a loser I am. And I'll rant more about this later.

I wish I could figure my life out, but I can't please everyone.
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