I spent an hour at Target trying to decide what to make for dinner because I'm so fucking indecisive. And that's basically where I stand in life, at this very moment.
Okay, you know I love you to pieces and wouldn't say anything that didn't need to be said, so please forgive me for what follows... or just choose not to respond and disown me as a friend (as history goes in my little world) Please, please know I am saying all of this for your own good.
Yes. I feel you are being extremely unfair to Jacob... if Mike ever did any of the things you have been doing to Jacob, there wouldn't be a relationship, I would have been gone a long time ago... but that is just me, not everyone works like me, obviously. Jacob has been very patient and very forgiving. And even though you keep saying he is fine with everything, I somehow think that is not the truth. You are very lucky to have him.
As for Dave. You really, really have to decide. You can't have both. For saving whatever is left of your relationship, you really need to chose one or the other. Because you are right, if you continue to see Dave, most likely trouble will find you. You are playing with fire. You have to decide what is more important to you. Jacob and your relationship, or friendship with Dave. Unfortunately in this senario, being able to keep both is very doubtful.
I know you are a good person. I am not trying to say in any way that you are not. You have a huge heart and show that all the time. I think right now you are just confused and reaching but don't know for what. Obviously something is missing from your relationship if you need to go running into the comfort of Dave's arms. You just have to figure out what.
You know I will support you in whatever decision you make. But you need to make a decision because this is unfair to all parties that are involved.
Yes. I feel you are being extremely unfair to Jacob... if Mike ever did any of the things you have been doing to Jacob, there wouldn't be a relationship, I would have been gone a long time ago... but that is just me, not everyone works like me, obviously. Jacob has been very patient and very forgiving. And even though you keep saying he is fine with everything, I somehow think that is not the truth. You are very lucky to have him.
As for Dave. You really, really have to decide. You can't have both. For saving whatever is left of your relationship, you really need to chose one or the other. Because you are right, if you continue to see Dave, most likely trouble will find you. You are playing with fire. You have to decide what is more important to you. Jacob and your relationship, or friendship with Dave. Unfortunately in this senario, being able to keep both is very doubtful.
I know you are a good person. I am not trying to say in any way that you are not. You have a huge heart and show that all the time. I think right now you are just confused and reaching but don't know for what. Obviously something is missing from your relationship if you need to go running into the comfort of Dave's arms. You just have to figure out what.
You know I will support you in whatever decision you make. But you need to make a decision because this is unfair to all parties that are involved.
... love you *whimpers*
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