ChapStick is love.

Aug 14, 2005 23:58

I promise that I'm more entertaining than MadTV. Have sex with me, please?! Gah.

There's been a lot of stuff goin' on, but I haven't had much motivation to write in here.

I think Jacob's going to school this fall. I'm happy for him, but it also makes me a little worried. Like he's gonna meet someone cuter, smarter, and cooler than me... I love myself. Really, I do. Ha. Anyway, that leaves me feeling like a big ol' bum. He'll be off making something out of himself, while I sell porn. Lots and lots of porn. I need to find something that'll spark my interest again.

I'm halfway done working through my 12 of 14 day schedule. *flex* Actually, it's left me very much sleep-deprived and horribly lazy. My food intake has just been me shoving junk in my mouth every two hours. Yuck. I'm letting myself go again, and I was doing so good. Ugh.

That time of the month's creeping upon me, any minute now. And I've misplaced my favorite Coldplay CD. Hi, everyone. Welcome to hell.
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