OOC: Application (city_of_cydonia)

Feb 20, 2011 21:47

Out Of Character Information!
NAME;; Doji, Pyra or Sonica
AGE;; 19
JOURNAL;; pyra_k_akaidra
AIM: dojikuni
Plurk: Sonica
EMAIL;; dojikuni@aim.com


In Character Information!
CHARACTER NAME;; Atsuro Kihara
FANDOM;; Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor

Atsuro’s not too concerned with fashion which explains his choice of outfit: it’s practical and comfortable. Although the USB cord was long, he usually wraps it around his arm for easy travelling if he decides to go out.

His height is around 5’7 and is somewhat taller in comparison to the main character. He also has his laptop inside his bag along with the high capacity, hand-powered charger for the COMP.

Atsuro is basically a normal human being, but his programming/hacking skills and his modded COMP (which highly resembles a Nintendo DS Lite) make up for it.

His skills with programming are quite high. After all, he's been taught by Naoya, who is a genius programmer in his world. He can crack complicated codes and, after examining them, may choose to rework them.

His COMP makes up for his human weaknesses. Its Harmonizer feature can equal the playing field, thus allowing him to be on equal fighting ground with demons by reducing their attack and increasing his own. It doesn’t counter overly powerful attacks: a powerful blow can still hurt.

The COMP is also capable of scanning his enemies for their elemental resistances and weaknesses, allowing Atsuro to view their current skills. From there, he can choose to Skill Crack them. This particular option is when he has selected an enemy's skill (battle or passive) to crack. When he or his battle team has defeated the enemy, their skill is either get equipped by Atsuro or stored inside the COMP for later use.

The COMP allows him to equip skills in battle: three battle, three passive and one Auto Skill (spells that always get automatically cast at the start of battle), as long he has the correct stats requirements. In roleplay context, it means he can wield them if he has the energy and strength for them.

Most importantly, he can summon his contracted demons with the COMP, up to two at once in his battle party. Atsuro generally summoned a healing demon to support him and a physical fighter.

...Of course, he won't be able to summon them inside the city.

The following is his usual setup. Depending on the situation, he can and will switch them around as needed.

Deathbound - Random HP-dependant damage
Mighty Hit - Critical damage: 1 foe
Tetrakarn - Reflect 1 physical attack

Pierce - 100% damage to all foes (No Repel) [As long the opponent doesn't repel phys., Atsuro's attack deal 100% damage, regardless of phys. resistances (Anti-Phys, Null Phys, Drain Phys))
Ares Aid - Crit. rate up 50%
Phys Jump - Phys damage up 1.5x

Tailwind - Start: Team Agi. up

Going against the common stereotype for computing nerds, Atsuro's a fairly good physical fighter. His growth is more 'balanced' compared to the other playable human fighters and is quite speedy in battle. However, with his lower magic stat (which covers MP, magical strength and magic defence), magic spells generally hurt him more than physical attacks.

Any physical skills he uses will drain him (as they cost a percentage of his max HP, or stamina), so he will need a healer to support him in battle. Magic spells uses up his magic power, but isn’t his strong point in battle.

Atsuro's skills on the computer, as noted before, are his main strength. Taught by a genius programmer, he can crack any complicated and strong security systems, rewrite them once he’s understood them, and designs superior programs when given the time and goal for it. He's also quite knowledgeable with electronics, networks, and anything related to technology.

Though he's cheerful and can become enthusiatic, he can easily get carried away with his ideas and suggestions. As they do get increasingly morbid in his speculations, Atsuro wouldn’t notice if he’s upset someone until after he has mentioned the possibility. Once he does, he’ll quickly apologise.

Due of his childhood, Atsuro’s social skills are limited. He'll accept invitations to hang out with people, but on the other hand, he would just play around on his laptop in his free time if there’s nothing else to do. He appreciates his friends, but Atsure spent most of his childhood on the internet where anonymity was everywhere and friends can easily be forgotten or drift away, unconsciously gave him a looser sense of friendship.

PERSONALITY;; (Two paragraph's minimum)
Atsuro's a pretty cheerful and friendly guy, who is also quite proud to be an otaku. He makes jokes and teases with his friends, especially over Yuzu being the Main Character’s ‘girlfriend’.

He enjoys being on the computer, fiddling, and working with the coding. When given the chance, he'll eagerly leap at the opportunity to test his skills and likes to make Naoya proud of him. More often than not, Atsuro would claim to be ‘Naoya’s No. 1 apprentice’, and shows obviously happiness at the acknowledgement of the role.

Knowing that not everyone can understand his technical talks, Atsuro can explain things in layman's terms quite well, quite often for Yuzu's sake.

Due to his childhood, his social skills aren't typical. He usually goes on the laptop,unless he's hanging out with his friends, and sometimes his enthusiasm isn’t appreciated by some people (from teasing nicknames like calling Yuzu 'Yoohoo' to thinking up disturbing speculations). His enthusiasm was partially a coping mechanism for dealing with loneliness as a child.

He also helps the Main Character in maintaining morale in the group with his cheerfulness, but generally when they're not in any immediate danger of dying. Atsuro was worried about their future (like Yuzu), but he continues showing his bright personality for her sake and thinks that constantly worrying without action is useless.

Regarding how to solve the lockdown (which will be explained in the history section), he made the suggestion of controlling the demons and letting authorised government personnel have access. This was on the basis of seeing the potential that demons have and how their abilities could help humanity benefit.

An only child, his parents worked abroad in Silicon Valley since Atsuro was in primary school. He had declined to go with them since had poor English speaking skills. Throughout his childhood, Atsuro spent most of his free time on the internet, especially the message boards under the handle 'AT-LOW'. Even as a child, under the anonymity of the World Wide Web, he was able to converse with strangers and adults as an 'equal', and eventually became interested in computing programming.

In middle school, Atsuro became friends with Keisuke Takagi, but lost contact with him after graduation and had Mari Mochizuki as his private tutor until high school.

At some point from middle school to high school, he met Naoya online and became his student in programming. Through his teacher, he became friends with Naoya's cousin, the main character (currently without a canon name), and Yuzu Tanikawa, the main character's childhood friend.

Near the end of summer vacation, the trio were called out by Naoya to hang out. However, Naoya failed to turn up but had Yuzu give them all modded COMPs with a special homebrew program instead. Once Atsuro took a look at them, he saw the security code inside and eagerly started cracking them, saying that programs with security like these was a normal challenge from teacher to student. When he broke through, he saw a program inside and had all three of them activated it at once.

The program was the Demon Summoning Program, bringing forth three demons, much to their surprise. The demons turned against them, forcing the trio to fight back to stay alive. After defeating them, they secured the demons’ contracts and became certified demon tamers.

Afterward, the government and the Special Defence Force (SDF) put up a lockdown around the Yamanote line of Tokyo, suspiciously quick and efficiently. It trapped Atsuro and his friends, along with many other people in the area with no electricity, Internet access, or phone connections. All rations were dropped in by the SDF’s helicopters; people grew increasingly desperate over supplies and started fighting as demons ran rampant in the city. Not only that, the general fear of Demon Tamers that normal people had developed grew bigger with each passing day until normal people started forming mobs in response. It seemed like the government had no intention of lifting the lockdown.

Inside the lockdown, Atsuro met Keisuke again. However, he was surprised by his friend's quieter demeanour, remembering him as someone more spirited who strongly stood up to school bullies. On the 4th day of the Lockdown, Keisuke snapped from finding out that people, not demons, would kill Midori Komaki, an internet idol, and went on a justice-obsessed rampage with Yama, a demonic judge from hell.

Atsuro wanted to stop Keisuke and saved him from being killed because of Yama’s judgements, as his actions were only to aggravate the fear of Demon Tamers despite his friend’s good intentions. Fortunately, the Main Character was able to distract Kaido and successfully stopped Keisuke's righteous streak. For this, Atsuro was incredibly relieved and thankful.

While trying to survive and managing to escape death from powerful demons, Atsuro uncovered a conspiracy an online friend of his, 10BIT, was investigating. A few years ago, the government introduced the PSE law where all electronics must be inspected before being sold. However, it actually gave the government a chance to install a chip into every single licensed electronic in the city. The chips would emit electromagnetic waves at a press of a button that the govenerment access to it. Combined, the waves would easily exterminate people alive in the area, intended by the government as an anti-invasion method during times of war.

Not only that, they also found out the real reason for the lockdown. It was not only to contain the demons, but the Shomonkai, a religious group, was going to summon their demon god in preparation for God's Ordeal.

Heavenly angels had appeared before the government officials and told them to handle this; in their eyes, humanity must prove themselves to Him by stopping the demons, or risk removing humanity's free will. Once they knew this, the group speculated that the government might use the EMWs as a last resort to destroy the demons, and kill all the people inside the lockdown area as a result.

In order to prevent the government from being forced to use that method, the group needed to discover a way to handle the demons, therefore effectively nullifying the lockdown’s purpose.

Atsuro’s solution to the problem was to control all the demons and gave it to the government, thereby letting society reap the benefits like with power plants (an analogy used in the game). He discussed his idea with the Main Character, very eager at the possibilities it would bring and how much it would push human society’s development. All they needed to do was find the demon summoning server and reprogram it for that purpose.

On the sixth day of the lockdown, merely one day away from the UEM method, he waited for his friend's decision on how to lift the lockdown since other people also proposed their own plans to him. Then, Atsuro suddenly found himself in another place...

[For the purpose of this sample, the Main Character's nickname, and internet handle, will be Neko.]

TO: Neko
SUB: Re: Hey

How’s it going, Neko? It has been a while since we contacted each other. I’m busy doing a lot of projects over on my end, for my buddies AND Naoya’s assignments. Other than that, I study or play my games at home.

As always, Naoya’s assignments are tough, but not impossible! If he gave them to me, it means he wants me to do them, no exception. Zip. Nada. So Ill be happy to do them and beyond!

Well, as much as I can. Naoya’s really smart, so I better think of something to REALLY surprise him, somehow.

The sound of typing easily filled the room. Atsuro was hard at work, adjusting and fixing his current programming project in his room. The program itself was homework from Naoya, asking him to break it apart and rebuild it into something better.

As always, he accepted the challenge and dived in.

If he were anyone else, the project would take weeks from the sheer complexity of it, as well as being written in a language Naoya personally designed. Fortunately, Atsuro learned the language and with his current skill, managed to crack through it in a day.

Leaning back and sipping a bottle of water, he frowned. There was a small error running in the newly rewritten program, so he needed to find the conflict of commands and fix it. Or maybe it was a quick typo in the thousands of coding lines, somewhere

If Naoya was here, he could easily find it and fix it up in a matter of minutes. Atsuro looked closer and scrolled through the source code slowly, his eyes scanning over it. If he can’t even fix this, he wouldn’t be able to proudly call himself his teacher’s best apprentice.

So being chosen as an apprentice, out of many others, was a great honour.

“Ah, there it is!” Grinning widely, his fingers swiftly started typing, fixing up the error quickly. After he saved his progress, Atsuro was about to run the program when his mobile phone rang.

He reached for it and answered the call. “Hello? Oh, hey, Yoohoo!”

Immediately, he heard her indignation at the nickname and laughed, keeping the mood light. As he conversed with Yuzu, Atsuro ran the program, watching it on his screen. His grin widened at the successful run as he tested it out even more.

“…Eh? So we’re going to hang out with him and Naoya?”

!cydonia, !application, !ooc

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