Day 3 - [Video] | [Action] for Violet City

May 12, 2011 18:04

[Atsuro's mostly started this video to let Daisuke know about the Porygon egg, and, well, showing off his team so far to the network. Which means going outside and filming his Pokemon with his 'Gear.]

Hey, Daisuke! My Porygon hatched a while ago and it's doing pretty well! I'm thinking of naming it Fortran.

[Yes, Fortran and no, he won't go for the obvious 'Polygon'. He move the 'Gear to show Porygon floating not far from him...while Cleffa's riding on its back. Yes, his young Cleffa is riding on Porygon's back and the artificial Pokemon is floating around, gently and smoothly.]

Those two seems to be getting along well, too. Asterisk's rather shy, so I'm glad they can be friends.


Antec, you can have your turn on Fortran...if it let you on. [Then the video moves down to show a Rattata next to Atsuro's feet. He's tugging at the trainer's pants with his teeth.] Loupe here's doing great as well. Though...he eats a lot, so I'll be looking into getting a job... Wait, let me guess, you want a snack?

[Even with his money managing skill, he don't want to run out at this rate. Geez.]

Alright, in a moment. Now, Antec's doing great, just waiting for his turn on Fortran. Man, he seems to want to try a lot of things...

[Then, he moves the 'Gear to finally show his Growlithe and Poochyena. Both canines are currently having a intense staring contest with each other. With determination.]

Some of you guys might remember them from last time, but they're Pascal and Ada. I'm pretty sure they think of each other as rivals.

[Okay, now there's growling.]

...Yeah, pretty sure. So that's my team so far. I won't be tackling the gym challenge any time soon, maybe until everyone here's strong enough for--Loupe, you can wait a little longer!

[The Rattata's been tugging at his pants, so Atsuro cut off the feed to deal with him. To anyone in Violet, they might see Atsuro dealing with his Rattata and talking to him. Or they might see Asterisk riding on Fortran.]

pokemon goes weeee, !ic, !action, !video, !route29

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