OOC: Application (Route 29)

Apr 10, 2011 21:17

Name: Doji (I also answer to Pyra or Sonica)
Livejournal Username: pyra_k_akaidra
E-mail: dojikuni@aim.com
AIM: dojikuni
Timezone: Australian EST (GMT +10)
Current Characters in Route: N/A

Name: Atsuro Kihara
Series: Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor
Timeline: Day 7, Atsuro’s route (pre-final boss fight)
Canon Resource Links:
Devil Survivor on Wikipedia
Devil Survivor on Megami Tensei wikia
Atsuro on Megami Tensei wikia

Atsuro's a pretty cheerful and friendly guy, who is also quite proud to be an otaku. He makes jokes and teases with his friends, especially over Yuzu being the Protagonist’s ‘girlfriend’.

He enjoys being on the computer, fiddling, and working with the coding. When given the chance, he'll eagerly leap at the opportunity to test his skills and likes to make Naoya proud of him. More often than not, Atsuro would claim to be ‘Naoya’s No. 1 apprentice’, and shows obviously happiness at the acknowledgement of the role.

Knowing that not everyone can understand his technical talks, Atsuro can explain things in layman's terms quite well, quite often for Yuzu's sake.

Due to his childhood, his social skills aren't typical. He usually goes on the laptop, unless he's hanging out with his friends, and sometimes his enthusiasm isn’t appreciated by some people (from teasing nicknames like calling Yuzu 'Yoohoo' to thinking up disturbing speculations). His enthusiasm was partially a coping mechanism for dealing with loneliness as a child, as well as an attempt to hide his negative emotions from everyone or just brushing them aside. He also likes being complimented, as it meant being acknowledged by the other person and not being alone, even for a moment.

He also helps the Protagonist in maintaining morale in the group with his cheerfulness, but generally when they're not in any immediate danger of dying. Atsuro was worried about their future (like Yuzu), but he continues showing his bright personality for her sake and thinks that constantly worrying without action is useless.

Regarding how to solve the lockdown, he made the suggestion of controlling the demons and letting authorised government personnel have access. This was on the basis of seeing the potential that demons have and how their abilities could help humanity benefit, since he always look for ways to advance and improve things for everyone’s benefit. Even if his idea has the potentials to be abused (and it will), he’ll think up ways to minimise the risks, such as restricting demon control to selected government personnel.

+ Enthusiasm - He’s quite cheerful and can be excited, especially when he’s geeking out over his interests
+ Computing/Programming skills - He’s a talented programmer and hacker, taught and challenged by Naoya
+ Smart - Knows a lot of things, from technology to programming and so forth. Especially otaku things like Pokemon.
+ Loyalty - He's incredibly loyal, as he's the only party member to stay in the party in all the routes, regardless of the Protagonist's choice.

- Weak against Flattery/Compliments type attacks
- Can be a dork/derp sometimes
- His ideas/speculations may not always be appreciated, especially if they’re disturbing
- He looks up to Naoya and is quite fond of his teacher
- He sometimes need others to lessen his worries

Pokémon Information
Affiliation: Trainer
Starter: Chinchou
Password: Grape Jelly

Samples [NOTE: The samples assumed that Atsuro knows up to Gen IV. His knowledge will be restricted to Gen I, ingame.]
First Person Sample:
...Okay, it should be on now! [There’s the sound of a happy ‘Chinchou!’, too. Atsuro looks down at the Pokemon, still in shock, as well as...giddy and worried. He knows Pokemon, he especially played the games, so it’s a pleasant surprise to find himself in New Bark Town...his apparent home town?]

So anyone’s watching this? You don’t mind answering some of my questions? ‘cuz I want to be sure about some things.

[Is he really in New Bark Town for real, or is this all an illusion? A dream, maybe? Even if a part of him was happy to see Pokemon, he can’t help but be worried and feel unnerved. His speculative side takes over, thinking of possible ideas on ‘how’ and ‘why’.]

Do you know how I can get back to Tokyo? And is it normal to hear music like this? [Maybe he’s the odd one out here and everyone will think he’s weird for not thinking the music’s normal.] ...I’m probably weird for asking these stuff, huh?


So yeah, I’ll be grateful for any answers!

Third Person Sample:
Atsuro looked down at his Chinchou, watching him walk beside him on his small feet and sometimes jumping to keep up. He doesn’t remember any moments in the games where Chinchous were depicted walking on land, since they generally live deep near the ocean floors. So the young programmer was a little worried for his Pokémon companion, his starter, for being out on land for so long.

He’s still in awe over his situation. Being an actual Pokémon Trainer, with a real Pokémon for him to train. He played the games and beaten them, even if he admittedly hacked their codes afterward, but this was different.

His Chinchou wasn’t just merely a sprite with data, but a real, living creature. Even if he remembered how Chinchous, or rather, Lanturns, generally do in the metagame, Atsuro couldn’t exactly train him like how he played the games. At least, he thought so. Actual Pokémon training was probably different from the games, fighting other Pokemon and gathering the points to influence their growth.

And there’s the fact that he can’t ignore the similarities Pokémon had with demons. Creatures with extremely powerful abilities running around, and the fact that normal people can command them to do their bidding, good or bad...

But with his plan, Japan will probably end up like the Pokémon games. With the main differences that only the government have control over the demons, and the rest of society will benefit from the demons’ powers.

“Hey, Antec.” The Chinchou paused and looked up at his trainer, curiously. Atsuro smiled and hold out the Pokéball. The device did catch his interest, and he’s rather curious to know exactly how the Pokéball, its mechanism and conversion, works. “If you’re tired of walking, you can go back into your Pokéball.”


Antec doesn’t seem tired enough for it, and for a while, Atsuro did noticed that the dual typed Pokémon looks happy to be outside, even if it’s on land.

“I wonder...are you really that happy to be outside with me, even if you’re better off swimming?” He asked, out loud. Yet, he’s smiling. He honestly likes having Antec outside, since it means he’ll have someone to talk to.

“Right, right!” He laughed a bit when Antec gave him a look. “But make sure to let me know when you’re too tired to take another step, okay?”

!application, !ooc, !route29

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