Holy crap it's cold today! Woke up kind of late, my roomie went to New York for the weekend so I'm home alone Macaulay Culkin style once again. After milling about on the interwebs for a few I made breakfast then biked down to the mall to meet up with
asuka. We were supposed to catch "Grave of the Fireflies" at the Freer-Sackler Gallery but they ran out of tickets. Clearly, I grossly underestimated my fellow geeks.
Instead we grabbed some coffee then headed to the
National Portrait Gallery in Chinatown, where they've got a lot of really awesome stuff by Ryan McGinley and Martin Schoeller, including some amazing portraits of Obama, Billy Joel, and Angelina Jolie. As far as local (and free!) museums go, I think I'm going to add this to the top of my list due to the variety and architecture. The design of the museum changes depending on the wing you're in, and the courtyard is nice, open, and indoors!
In terms of sheer variety, the museum offers three floors ranging from the aforementioned portraits to more modern art on the third-floor, including a Nam June Paik installation of hundreds of televisions bordered by neon lights making a map of the U.S. Each television corresponds to the state surrounding it, so Oklahoma plays clips from the musical that shares its name, South Carolina is a hodgepodge of cigarette company logos, Idaho is a bunch of potatoes, you get the idea. That particular floor also looks like an '80s Trapper Keeper come to life, replete with marble floors and unnecessary columns that remind me of the early days of virtual reality games... also, a Dire Straits music video.
Since we missed out on Isao Takahata, we opted to catch "Let The Right One In" at the E Street Cinema, which ended up being a much better decision since we'd both already seen GOTF. I can't believe "Twilight" stole the vampire glory from this Swedish gem! This is definitely one of the best films to come out this year, and if you're a fan of films like "30 Days of Night" that mix suspense, gore, and a bit of dark comedy, or even "Buffy," I'd definitely recommend checking this out. It doesn't need to explain the basics of vampirism, the people that know will get it, and those that don't are left just as in the dark as many of the film's other characters.
Anyway, so after that we were gonna try to go ice skating at the sculpture garden, but once again we experienced fail since tickets sold out. Instead we had cocoa, but since I'm a lush I brought a flask full of Kahlua and Bulleit. Now I'm at home downing shots of Grey Goose while waiting for V. to pick me up to do God-knows-what. Lately I'm trying to broaden my social horizons by hanging out away from my usual haunts, and the usual hipster crowd I see all the time. These days I'm tryin' to get my grown-and-sexy on you know?
roots x members only x byCORPUS x cheap monday x kmw x ben sherman