Jan 23, 2005 09:34
im dreaming in red. none of it nice. none of it goreless. but then there's realty. i can find it lately. i feel so alone. completely. if i died i have a feeling every1 would forget about me in a week. maybe thats ok. but the problem is... iamalive and people are already forgetting. its just my invisable skin is holding a thrashing skeleton. ah i just want love. whatever that is. ok im whiney. i have a ton. i wish i could go do something good.
anybody know good places to volunteer?
im too self focused BLEHhhhHHhHhH. i love u guys... all of u... ur brillant. im so lucky to have people like u in my life. im sorry i cant give u the same. but know throughout it... i do appriciate it. thank u... so much.