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Jun 22, 2010 05:43

So I woke up from a dream that I was a member of the band OK Go, and we were giving a concert. I should note that I have no idea what they're like in concert, so my subconscious was assuming their routine was exactly like their videos. I kept wondering how we were going to do the song with the lego video, but now I'm fairly sure that's a different band...

Anyway, everything was going great, until in the middle of a cover of No Sugar Tonight by The Guess Who, the power on stage went out. So no more music! It was really the power to the instruments, though, since the mic still worked. Had to stall for time for awhile, and finally we ended up doing things like there was a guy in the front row who said he could beatbox, so we got him an extra mic and let him go. After a few seconds someone cut the feed to his mic, though... So I guess it didn't go over too well with our manager? Or something.

Eventually, it turned out there was another stage (with power!) at the other end of the hall at which we were playing. Which we hadn't noticed before for some reason. This was revealed by this other band who all dressed in Vanilla Ice-esque outfits playing some dramatic (rapped) entry song. So we ran over, through the crowd, and formed a supergroup to play out the rest of the concert.

I think some of the audience members came up and joined us, too? Because there were a lot more people on stage then, but all of the new comers knew the choreography. The first song was Journey's Don't Stop Believing (yeah, I watched Glee, *sigh*), and while we knew the words, we were WAY off with all the choreography. The worst was a part where we needed to form a big grid (seriously it was like 8x5, the group was HUGE!), and throw someone from row to row. Since we were getting the timing all wrong, the woman who was being tossed by my row was terrified. Didn't stop me from just flinging her to the next person, though. Hrm.
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