Dec 20, 2005 11:42
In what sense are you a medium lobster? My friends and I couldn't
agree. I thought you had been cooked a medium amount, Steve thought
you were of medium size, and Nick thought you were a psychic medium.
Which are you?
This often causes some puzzlement, which is only natural concerning the state of your species's current confinement within the boundaries of linear time. While the Medium Lobster is, in reality, a higher being from beyond what you know as "space" and "time," he appears, for the benefit of human perception, to be a mere medium lobster. This perception is not defined by the lobster itself, but to those who perceive the lobster: that is, one mind receives "medium lobster" and sees a lobster of unextraordinary size, another will see a lobster not too-harshly cooked, another may see a lobster who communes with things beyond this world. Yet another may read me as "medium: lobster," that is, the medium of lobsterness itself. All are correct, for none of them are.
Medium Lobster