HP fic: Too Young (The Princess Bride Remix)

May 30, 2010 14:20

Remix authors have been revealed, so now I can post this. This was fun to write, and I'm really glad I decided to participate.

Title: Too Young (The Princess Bride Remix)
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Ginny/Draco
Rating: PG
Summary: In the small part of Ginny's mind not occupied by young love, she composed the tale she'd tell her own little girl one day.
A/N: This was my story for Remix Redux 2010, and as such is a remix of Young Love, by mynuet.

Read "Too Young (The Princess Bride Remix)" on AO3.
Read "Too Young (The Princess Bride Remix)" on Dreamwidth.

my fic: harry potter

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