Yesterday wa a fairly hectic day for me. I totally overbooked myself (I know how
Romanzseer feels). My mother wanted me to go to the movies with her to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory because my niece is staying with her for the weekend. Fortunately I was able to put this off till today, which helped to alleviate some of the stress from yesterday.
I woke up very late (1:30pm, which was kinda nice expect that it killed most of my day already), had a bit of an argument with my roommate then went to
Carraig graduation party. Had fun, ate burgers and watched a couple of movies.
Then I went to Danbury to visit with my friend Brannon who was in from Hawaii. Got down there around 10pm then had to hike up Terrywille park to the campsite. I didn't get much chance to talk with Brannon because there were alot of people there to see him. I did meet a few people who were really cool though. Mike, Jen and Andy travel about the country going to renfaires to sell there spheres to people for contact juggling. I remembered Andy from Tux last year but only barely (he tried to sell me one of the spheres and a video to learn how to juggle them). They had all these really cool spheres they were juggling, light up ones, ones with glow sticks in the middle, even one that Mike lit on fire and rolled all over himself (very impressive). Andy had two flaming spheres on tethers that he was swinging all around. It was very cool.
I missed the opportunity to go hang out with
xyrienne and
melange8272 because I had so much going on, but hopefully I can get together with them next weekend.