I wanted to let you all know about a meet-up happening in Burlington VT on Saturday October 3rd at 2pm. We will be having a BYOF picnic at the Stones down the bike path from the waterfront. I made a Google map of the location, paths and other applicable things of note.
http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=111641710508361862181.000474a996ec5901e08da&ll=44.479161,-73.215895&spn=0.011253,0.027874&t=h&z=16 In case of rain, we will be going to Dobra Tea instead (which is marked on the map by the rain cloud)
Sorry if you get this multiple times, I'm cross-posting it on a few different sites.
If you have any questions or need to contact me to see if we'll be at Dobra or the Stones just give me a call or text (914) 400 3482, my name's Yenni for those of you who don't know me.
If you'd like to discuss this more, most of the planning is taking place here: