Aug 25, 2005 08:33
how nice is that??? neway... went to the toga softball picnic yesterday... so much fun but caitlin showed up late so she wasn't on my team... megan was. neway... caitlin was playing first base and the ball was hit to phil and he threw it to her and she actually caught it. so she was doing a victory dance and the person at bat hit it right where caitlin was supposed to be, but she was still doing her victory dance... it was hilarious... guess you had to be there... but neway... can't wait for the campout tomorrow... it's gonna be so great... wanna know who's in my tent?? me, caitlin, katie, megan, amanda, and marie... it's gonna be so awesome!!!! i'm very excited... so.... neone else think this apush project is a joke??? we're supposed to be learning american history, yet we have to read about the damn euros.... dumb dumb dumb... i just spent two years of my life learning about the euros and how they destroyed the new world... must we reiderate???? neway... hopefully i can finish chapter 1 so that the 'rents are impressed and so i can go to ellis' party after church on sunday... and perhaps having some plans afterward... idk.... but neway... so... the english project hasn't even begun yet... i read the book let's not get stupid but... nething else.... nope... neway... gotta go... hopefully the next couple weeks go really slow so i can finish the projects.... :).... adios chicas!
luv ya
jesus... meh!